AW: Lightning talk ISWC2014

Excellent – thanks a lot and certainly a good occasion!



Von: J. Fernando Sánchez []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2014 15:17
Betreff: Lightning talk ISWC2014


I've just received this email from the organisers of ISWC2014. It would be a great opportunity to spread the word about the community group.

I will try to prepare an abstract and send it as soon as possible. Please, let me know if you have any good ideas :)

Dear ISWC 2014 Participant,
the Organizing Committee is proud to announce the return of the lightning talk session for ISWC 2014.
The session gives participants the opportunity to give a short presentation on anything related to the conference: late breaking research, a position statement, an announcement of some new software or dataset or maybe a reaction to a presentation at the meeting.
Lightning talks will last FIVE minutes.
Submit your abstract through EasyChair Submissions can be made right up to 08.30am on Thursday 23 October.
This is a popular session with a limited number of slots. Submit early to avoid disappointment. You can submit more than one talk but in the event of over-subscription we reserve the right to make you pick one.

Warm regards,
ISWC 2014 Committee.

Received on Thursday, 9 October 2014 14:28:51 UTC