Re: public interfaces for web of sensors

Hi Paola,   

On Saturday, November 16, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Paola Di Maio wrote:

> Is anyone here working on something related and interested in collaboration to devise/implement interfaces for the semantic sensor web?

So, our group sees it as a priority to enable browsers to interact with hardware sensors and actuators; what people then do with the data, or how they choose to format it, is a little bit outside our scope. As such, our group is focusing initially on creating a Serial API that would be suitable for use in a Web browser. We are basing the design on the extensive knowledge/experience of the nodejs community.   

> Is there anything we can do to make the sensor web more
> accessible/useful?

Well, the fact that the browsable web can’t access any sensors without having to go through some intermediary is a problem. This means that many synchronous (real time) applications can’t be created.  

So, helping us actually making it possible to interact with hardware that interfaces with sensors would be mutually beneficial to both groups: as, at the moment, any semantic sensor data you guys might be getting can’t actually come from the users of the Web (only for intermediaries or otherwise indirectly).   
> Is anyone here working on something related and interested in collaboration to devise/implement interfaces for the semantic sensor web?

As above. Would be great to collaborate. Our spec is here:  

We are just getting started - most of the discussion is happening in the Github repo:

Marcos Caceres

Received on Saturday, 16 November 2013 15:11:41 UTC