Last CfP: exploreWeb'11: Workshop on Search, Exploration and Navigation of Web Data Sources - last week for submissions


                    *First International Workshop*
       *on Search, Exploration and Navigation of Web Data Sources*

                     Co-located with ICWE 2011
   (Intl. Conference on Web Engineering, June 20-24, Paphos, Cyprus)


                      *Last Call for Papers*

*Goal of the workshop*

The goal of this workshop is to gather researchers and practitioners in
the diverse fields related to exploration and navigation of search
results and web data sources.

The workshop will be mainly focused on the following disciplines:
     * Exploratory search
     * Navigation and visualization of (open) (linked) Web data
     * Access to Web data
     * Modeling of data sources on the Web
     * Engineering of applications accessing Web data sources

The joint application of the data integration, hypertext navigation,
concept exploration, and exploratory search techniques is not trivial,
because the new Web datasources are characterized by some peculiar
features that need to be considered, including: rank awareness of
results, partial retrieval of result lists from data sources, partial or
approximate match between values, and so on. This imposes new
requirements both to the data integration and navigation applications,
which cannot solely rely on past solutions. The workshop will represent
a unique venue for discussing all the aspects related to navigation and
exploration of new Web data sources.


*Marco Brambilla*
Politecnico di Milano, Italy

*Piero Fraternali*
Politecnico di Milano, Italy

*Daniel Schwabe*
PUC Rio, Brasil

*Topics of interest*

The topics of interest for this workshop include (but are not limited to):

     * Deep web information exploration
     * Orchestration and choreography for data access and search
services on the Web
     * Information navigation in Enterprise Search applications
     * Navigation interfaces for web data
     * Visualization and visual interaction over web data
     * Data journalism experiences and practices on the web
     * Best practices, methodologies, and experiences on information
exploration and navigation interfaces on the Web
     * Domain specific applications of exploratory search and
information navigation
     * Search result manipulation and integration
     * Interaction between backend search services and user interfaces
     * Exploitation of public APIs for search and data access (e.g.,
Google APIs, Yahoo Query Language – YQL) for information exploration
     * Implementation and design issues of navigational applications
upon ranked, ordered, and paged Web data sources
     * Exploitation of  standard query languages (including SQL, SPARQL,
XQuery) in exploratory search and navigation
     * User interfaces and tools for Linked Data navigation and exploration

*Context and motivation*

Recent years are witnessing an exponential growth of data providers
available on the Web. These providers offer a plethora of different ways
of accessing their datasources, spanning from APIs (e.g., Google APIs,
location based APIs, and so on) to proprietary query languages (such as
Yahoo! Query Language, YQL) to endpoints accessible through standard
query languages (e.g., SPARQL). This trend is associated with the
increased tendency to labeling, tagging, and semantic linking of data,
as pushed also by social networking applications (e.g., social
bookmarking, user networks, and so on).

These datasources expose their data as semi-structured information
(e.g., JSON, XML, ...) and an increasing number also provide the
information as linked in the so called Linked Data cloud, with uri-based
references between the resources. This is a major change of paradigm
with the respect to traditional web publishing. On one side, this
enormously facilitates access and querying of information with respect
to the old-fashioned page based Web paradigm. On the other side, though,
this challenges the current approaches to Web navigation and information
collection by end users. With the growth of the available open data, the
need arises for effective mechanisms targeted to human users for
searching, exploring, and consuming such data.

At this purpose, cross fertilization between different disciplines is
mandatory: exploratory search approaches should be merged with usability
and cognitive science at the purpose of identifying the best interaction
paradigms on such new data sources; Web engineering approaches should be
extended with data integration and semantic web /linked data-based
practices (such as knowledge exploration tools) at the purpose of
connecting linked and non linked data, and providing proper navigational
applications to the end users.

*Submission guidelines*

The workshop will accept:

     * Full research papers (maximum lenght: 8 pages)
     * Experience papers (maximum lenght: 6 pages)
     * Vision papers (maximum lenght: 4 pages)
     * Ongoing works (maximum lenght: 4 pages)

All the submissions must be formatted according to the LNCS guidelines.
Submissions will be accepted only through the submission site through
EasyChair at:

*Importand dates*

     * Papers submission deadline: April 26, 2011
     * Notification of papers acceptance: May 26, 2011
     * Papers camera-ready version: June 10, 2011
     * Workshop date: June 20-21, 2011 (to be decided)

*Workshop Proceedings*

The workshop proceedings will be published in the ICWE workshop
proceedings (as a volume in the Springer LNCS series).

Furthermore, a collection of best papers will be selected for extended
publication in a post-proceedings book published by Springer together
with a collection of best papers from other workshops on search-related
topics. The volume publication has been already approved by Springer.

A journal special issue on the topics of the workshop is under

*Program Committee*
- Alessandro Bozzon, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Sven Casteleyn, University of Valencia, Spain
- Stefano Ceri, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Tommaso di Noia, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
- Mathieu D'Aquin, KMI, Open University, UK
- Florian Daniel, Università di Trento, Italy
- Oscar Diaz, University of the Basque Country, Spain
- Alan Dix, Talis, UK
- Peter Dolog, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Federico M. Facca, Create-Net, Italy
- Piero Fraternali, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Dragan Gasevic, University of Athabasca, Canada
- Michael Grossniklaus, Portland University, USA
- Gerti Kappel, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
- Nora Koch, LMU & Cirquent GmbH, Germany
- Tiziana Margaria, University of Potsdam
- Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Santiago Meliá, University of Alicante, Spain
- Oscar Pastor, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
- Michalis Petropoulos, SUNY Buffalo, USA
- Gabriella Pasi, Università Mi- Bicocca, Italy
- Cesare Pautasso, Università di Lugano, Switzerland
- Fernando Sanchez Figueroa, University of Extremadura, Spain
- Giovanni Tummarello, DERI Galway, Ireland

Received on Wednesday, 20 April 2011 13:15:07 UTC