CFP: ACM Multimedia Workshop on Surreal Media and Virtual Cloning (SMVC'10)

Call for Papers

ACM Multimedia Workshop on
Surreal Media and Virtual Cloning (SMVC)
29 October 2010, Firenze, Italy

Recent scientific advances in a variety of research fields are resulting
in mature virtual reality technologies and systems to support real-time
realistic interaction between humans in online virtual environments. Such
systems aim at enabling collaboration between 3D objects and content
captured and streamed in real-time to cooperative immersive 3D worlds.
Low-latency interactivity requires accurate and time-critical information
exchange between remote places to reduce cognitive workload, and enhance
situation awareness. Surreal media encompasses realistic 3D virtual
objects, virtual human clones, live media streams and 3D computer
generated worlds. It brings a new range of 3D virtual experiences to many
different everyday aspects of life. It also brings together, for a
purpose, what can be disparate research groups working on several fields
including: 3D video processing, real-time 3D media coding, computer
graphics, human-computer interaction and human factors.

This workshop aims to present and discuss key research issues related to
the generation of surreal media and 3D cooperative virtual worlds. Key
questions to be addressed in the workshop include: How can virtual worlds
be coupled with live data streams? How can surreal media be scaled up
from single users to groups, communities or even globally networked
environments? How can human performance be evaluated in terms of levels of
expertise, strategies, and cognitive processes within the context of
specific scenarios? How can security and privacy be enhanced in such
systems? How can real-time interaction over heterogeneous network
environments such as the Internet be achieved?

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Creation of realistic virtual human clones
- Virtual worlds with live data
- High-definition virtual reality
- Multi-camera view calibration
- 3D model reconstruction
- Scalable coding and streaming of 3D media
- Multimodal interfaces
- Mobile platforms for virtual reality
- Human performance in virtual world
- Quality of experience issues
- Security in surreal media
- Privacy in surreal media
- Aesthetic design for surrealism
- Situation-aware interfaces
- Scene understanding
- Real-time interactivity
- Cognitive models of user behaviors
- Assisted techniques
- Human-computer interaction models
- Sensory fusion
- User biometrics
- Online media
- 3D object detection and retrieval
- 3D graphics applications

Paper Submissions:

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers (4 pages) following the
style guidelines of ACMMM10 regular papers, using the EDAS system in the
track for this workshop at the conference website
Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.

Submission of full papers (to be received by): 10 June, 2010
Notification of acceptance:                    10 July, 2010
Submission of camera-ready papers:             20 July, 2010

Workshop Venue:

The workshop on Surreal Media and Virtual 3D Objects will be collocated
with ACM MM’10 conference at Palazzo dei Congressi, Piazza Adua 1,
Firenze, Italy on 25~29 October 2010. For further information:;

Workshop Organization:

General Chairs:

Ebroul Izquierdo
Queen Mary, University of London, UK

Yang Cai,
Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Program Committee:

Xavier Alamán,
UAM, Spain

Tamy Boubekeur,
Institut Telecom, France

Petros Daras
Informatics & Telematics Institute, Greece

Peter Eisert
Heinrich Hertz Institute, Fraunhofer, Germany

Manuel García-Herranz del Olmo,
UAM, Spain

Frederic Fol Leymarie,
University of London, UK,

Aggelos K. Katsaggelos,
Northwestern University, USA

Yvonne R. Masakowski,

Noel O’Connor
Dublin City University, Ireland

Dimitris Protopsaltou
MIRALab, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Gaël Richard
Télécom ParisTech, France

Todd Waist,

Brenda Wiederhold,
IMC, Belgium,

European Commission:

Isidro Laso Ballesteros
D.G. Information Society and Media

Organization Committee:

Qianni Zhang
Anil Aksay
Karthike Vaiapury
Queen Mary, University of London, UK

Samantha Stevick
Yingzhen Yang
Carnegie Mellon University, USA


Vlado Kitanovski
Queen Mary, University of London, UK

Received on Tuesday, 25 May 2010 06:53:40 UTC