parametric browsing

element [] 

now supports this. my goal is to never write SPARQL again, at least not to do basic needs

a bunch of combinators (inspired by Haskell standard library) can be plugged together

a basic responseflow consists of globbing and triple-pattern into a resource set

eg http://e/mail/2010/03/28/* or 

path-query is a simple microsyntax ::

sorting/filtering of the 'working set' before going to browser, and custom views :

 danja stuff on the right isnt meant ot mean anything, other than trying to stave off my own digital dark ages

triples come from files raptor can parse, as well as FS-triplestore atm

    looking at adding 4store/virtuoso to that perhaps via a set of RDF.rb adaptors


Received on Sunday, 28 March 2010 08:38:33 UTC