Re: Visualization of domain and range

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 3:44 AM, Bernhard Schandl <> wrote:

> Instead of changing the original FOAF ontology (which only the owners of
> the FOAF namespace can do), I would suggest that you add another property
> for your application and define it as super-property of foaf:holdsAccount,
> foaf:holdsAccount rdfs:subPropertyOf ex:holdsAccount .
> and use ex:holdsAccount instead of foaf:holdsAccount. However whenever you
> encounter a foaf:holdsAccount you can treat it as instance of
> ex:holdsAccount.

That solves it. The solution came to me this morning as I was waking up, but
you beat me to it :-)

> If you do not allow ontology developers to define restrictions on the
> classes and properties they define, then we end up with plain collections of
> terms, but without the possibility to derive useful conclusions from the
> data. However to build meaningful applications we need constraints on the
> data, and if you do not need these constraints you have two options: either
> do not use inference, or define your own (unrestricted) vocabulary and link
> it to the .
> Best, Bernhard

That is a really good was of describing. Thanks for your insights!

Tim Lebo

Received on Monday, 29 June 2009 11:52:11 UTC