Re: state of the art


there's been a recent TechTalk from Abraham Bernstein
comparing four user interaction styles for Semantic Web
data [1].  Unfortunately, faceted browsing is not covered.


[1] wrote:
> Hi Dan
> thanks for reply
> sorry the scope of my q is not obvious (tunnel vision from my end)
> Semantic Web Usability state of the art
> Basically from what I see,  it is an  issue  - there is this list,
> there have been events like the recent workshop in Florence, people
> are paying attention to usability, but - correct me if I am wrong -
> it is still notional, in the sense that there are no 'guidelines' ,
> and to some extent usability of semantic technologies is still not
> 'defined', nor there are methodologies to help developers face the
> challenges etc
> is it correct? can we say that the BOK in this domain is more or less
> what is on the wiki that Max is migrating to semantic wiki?
> is there a write up anywhere that we can consider reasonably complete?
> I am asking all this, cause I am writing a paper for our forthcoming
> workshop, and would like to start with a 'state of the art' paragraph,
> and hoping to find something (that I can agree with) to point to as
> reference.
> Hope its reasonably unpacked question
> cheers
> P
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 3:36 AM, Dan Brickley <> wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> Greetings all
>>> is the a a SWUI state of the art summary anywhere? (hoping I dont have
>>> to write it myself) :-)
>> Can you describe what the art is that you'd like summarised?
>> cheers,
>> Dan
>> ps. I'd consider pretty SOTA w.r.t. UI for
>> RDFish data


Received on Tuesday, 2 September 2008 12:49:14 UTC