RE: SWUI Workshop at CHI? (was RE: [CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS] CFP CHI 2008: Workshop/Course submissions due 15 June)

Hi all,

>> I think broadening the discussion to include social tagging and other Web 2.0 topics is 
>> healthy.  In parts it can show people that the gap between the "Hyperlinked Web" and Semantic > >> Web is narrowing.

> I think broad appeal is important, but there's also a strong case for being very careful not to > dilute the data web message. I think that tagging and microformats in most cases don't result in > the same issues (interaction-wise) as are raised by a linked (semantic) web of data. The sweet 
> spot to find would be getting people along and interested without having to dilute the message 
> too much. As you can guess, I'm still feeling bullish ;)

Would a title like "Human Interaction with the Web of Data" capture the essence of what we're interested in whilst maintaining a sufficiently broad appeal?

What do people think?



Received on Saturday, 12 May 2007 20:26:31 UTC