Re: SWUI Workshop at CHI? (was RE: [CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS] CFP CHI 2008: Workshop/Course submissions due 15 June)

Thanks, Tom.  You and others on this list collectively made the issues clear.
This will be a big help in the live discussion on Thursday about the
next step.  Thanks to all for making this list such an active and productive
place for this and other issues.  Let's keep it up!


T.Heath wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Picking up on Lloyd's earlier email...
>>> Tom, are you the head on this?  I suggest you (or whoever)
>>> set up the core committee: two co-chairs from different 
>>> institutes *and* backgrounds, whatever remaining OC CHI 
>>> workshops tend to have (see
>>> precedents)
> What I would suggest is that this is hammered out on Thursday, leading
> to the appointment of two co-chairs, and two other "helpers", making an
> OC of four in the first instance and growing to five or so if necessary,
> which seems perfectly acceptable according to CHI precedent. I would
> prefer not to be a co-chair (due to the pressing need to complete my
> thesis) but would happily serve as a helper (i.e. doing some more
> mundane tasks without quite so much responsibility ;).
>>> and recruit some reviewers as well.  Having a 
>>> list of committed reviewers on a workshop proposal makes a 
>>> difference.
> Yes, list members, please do add yourselves to the list at
> <
> 8#Reviewing> if you'd be interested in serving as a reviewer. After
> ESWC2007 I can further populate this list with other suggestions.
>>> I suggest and HCI co-chair and a "Web 3.0" (is 
>>> Semantic Web, tho perhaps we should avoid the term (?) ) 
>>> co-chair.
> Good idea. How about "HCI chair" and "Web of Data" chair (that way we
> can avoid using the term Semantic Web, but not have to jump on the
> versioning bandwagon ;)
>>> A good start list for reviewers to ask is from the 
>>> previous SWUI workshops, but we should add more HCI 
>>> reviewers as well.
> Yes, I think the biggest issue is going to be finding people from the
> core HCI community to join the OC/PC. Perhaps Lloyd, monica, Duane, Avi,
> and others with strong footholds in the HCI community can suggest
> "friendly" contacts who may be good choices. Getting a few "big names"
> would also be very good, of course.
>>> We at CWI maintain the
>>> sub-domain and server.  We can make a web page at 
>>> (or pick a path).  The web page could be the static, fixed, 
>>> "official" information, and the wiki and workshop sub-wiki 
>>> could be the social dynamic complement, evolved to from the 
>>> current wiki page you started.  Having the proposal link to a 
>>> web page that radiates completeness and "ready to 
>>> workshop"-iness helps the review process quite a bit.
> Good suggestions Lloyd, I'd be happy with this setup. The biggest/most
> pedantic issue I can spot is whether we keep calling it SWUI despite the
> different workshop title. I think it would be a shame to loose the SWUI
> name/threa; the question is simply whether people can handle a level of
> indirection: "Human Interaction with the Evolving Web of Data" ->
> SWUI2008. I don't have an opinion on this.
>>> Thanks for moving this along, Tom.
> A pleasure. I strongly feel the need for this actvity, I just wish I
> could devote more time to it. Ron Brachman's keynote today here at
> ESWC2007 added further weight to my impression that the SW community
> badly needs input from a broader range of disciplines.
> Cheers,
> Tom.

Received on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 15:53:16 UTC