suggestion for publishing large documents

The Wiki is intended for collaborative editing of (smallish) hypertext
pages.  Wikis were not designed to be the place to share larger
document written in some other editing tool.

We have two options if you wish to put a document into the Web
and cite it from a Wiki.  The archive of this mailing list will accept
attachments and assign them a separate URI.  (Such as the
attachment to this message).  If you don't want to clutter everyone's
mailbox with the attachment you can instead mail it to  Once your message appears in the
archive you can grab the URI of the attachment and cite it from

W3C strongly prefers that any such attachments be HTML
(of any variant) or PDF if necessary.  Many desktop applications
have the ability to save your document as HTML.  If you have
Adobe Acrobat distiller and need formatting options that HTML
does not provide, PDF is an acceptable alternative.

The mail archive approach does not permit you to modify the
attachment in place, so it's not a direct substitute for Wikis in that

Received on Thursday, 27 January 2005 21:02:08 UTC