- From: Clement Jonquet <jonquet@lirmm.fr>
- Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2023 17:50:46 +0200
- Cc: John Graybeal <jgraybeal@stanford.edu>, OntoPortal Alliance management <ontoportal-alliance@lists.stanford.edu>
- Message-Id: <94A3089D-D327-496E-B735-7E4C87BEB812@lirmm.fr>
We are pleased to announce the 2nd OntoPortal Alliance Workshop in Lecce, Italy from September 26-29, 2023. The OntoPortal Alliance <https://ontoportal.org/> is a consortium of several research and infrastructure teams and a company dedicated to promoting the development of ontology repositories ––in science and other disciplines–– based on the open, collaboratively developed OntoPortal open source software <https://github.com/ontoportal>. Teams in the Alliance develop and maintain several openly accessible semantic resource repositories. This includes BioPortal <https://bioportal.bioontology.org/>, the primary and historical source of OntoPortal code, but also AgroPortal <http://agroportal.lirmm.fr/>, EcoPortal <http://ecoportal.lifewatchitaly.eu/>, MedPortal <http://medportal.bmicc.cn/> and MatPortal <https://matportal.org/> and more. The 2023 workshop will feature 2 public (open to all interested parties) online events: A virtual public session, September 27th, 16h-18h CEST with a quick general presentation of OntoPortal, a user panel and Q&A session with representatives of different communities using the OntoPortal technology and a tutorial (to be confirmed). Please register for this session here: https://forms.gle/Bz3xBGRoXYxj31r87 The FAIR-IMPACT Semantic Artefact governance workshop, September 28th, 16h30-18h30, a public workshop organized by the EOSC project FAIR-IMPACT’s T4.1 on governance and semantics. Please register for this session here: https://fair-impact.eu/events/fair-impact-events/fair-impact-semantic-artefact-governance-workshop The OntoPortal Alliance collaborators share their software and strategies for supporting research communities, and together determine the open source OntoPortal system that others can use for their own purposes. The rest of the event is restricted to the Alliance members or by invitation only. Please contact us if you would like to participate to other sessions: Member/portal updates Demonstration of new features Multilingual OntoPortal OntoPortal federated services Ontology versioning and diffs OntoPortal mapping repository Coding practices Content governance Please join us to learn more about OntoPortal and the community of support that works together to make it publicly available. For more information please contact: Clement Jonquet (INRAE/U.Montpellier) - jonquet@lirmm.fr <mailto:jonquet@lirmm.fr> John Graybeal (Stanford University) - jgraybeal@stanford.edu <mailto:jgraybeal@stanford.edu> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Clement JONQUET – PhD in Informatics Senior Researcher – INRAE (MISTEA) Associate Researcher – University of Montpellier (LIRMM) #scientistwhocaresaboutmetadata <https://twitter.com/search?q=%23scientistwhocaresaboutmetadata>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Received on Friday, 1 September 2023 15:51:13 UTC