- From: Maria Hedblom <maria.m.hedblom@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 16:01:46 +0200
- To: Einav Peretz Andersson <Einav.Peretz.Andersson@ju.se>
- Message-ID: <CACXjnGMNaj2v7Khkw6vOkHbg8w-Abwm6HiCMviDQAYLqSZ-yHA@mail.gmail.com>
1st Call for papers *SCAI’24* - The 14th Scandinavian Conference on AI 10-11th June, Jönköping, Sweden Event website: SCAI Symposium 2024 <https://ju.se/samarbeta/event-och-konferenser/konferens/scai-symposium-2024/> Theme: AI for a better society In the last years, research on Artificial Intelligence has made both academia and industry to take a more active role in engaging with the general public. The immense success of recent results appears almost endless, but they are not without faults or concerns. Addressing the role these technologies can have in human society is therefore important. The 14th Scandinavian Conference on AI (SCAI’24) invites researchers and industry practitioners working on all facets of AI to submit their research. Organised as a joint venture by the Swedish AI Society (SAIS) and Norwegian AI Society (NAIS), the event invites researchers from all over the world to participate in ongoing discussions. Venue The event will take place June 10-11, 2024, in the picturesque, yet modern Swedish city of Jönköping. It is a middle-sized city beautifully tucked in between deep Swedish forests, mirror-clear lakes and flowing hills. Join us over a “*kanelbulle* “(cinnamon roll) to discuss the latest in AI research and network in the social program while overlooking the sun set over the crystal-clear water of Vättern (Sweden’s second-largest lake). Confirmed Keynote Speakers In addition to the scientific and social program, SCAI has already three confirmed keynote speakers all capturing different aspects of the conference theme: AI for a better society. We are proud to have Virginia Dignum, Professor of Computer Science at Umeå University, Timo Minssen, Director at JUR Centre for Advanced Studies in Biomedical Innovation Law, and Patrik Jägenstedt, Director Advanced Development, Robotics & AI Lab at Husqvarna, joining SCAI as invited speakers! A later announcement will provide more details on their talks. Topics of Interest and Paper Formats Contributions are welcome from all areas of Artificial Intelligence, and topics of interest include (but are not limited to): - AI applications - AI ethics and regulations - Knowledge representation - Hybrid and neurosymbolic AI - Machine learning methods and applications - Case studies of AI in the public sector and industry - Complex systems and swarm intelligence - Cognitive robotics and intelligent agents - Human-computer interaction with an AI-focus - Planning and Scheduling - Natural Language Processing - Computer Vision - Search Algorithms - Multi-Agent-Systems For the scientific program of the conference, we invite four types (with corresponding submission tracks) of contributions to SCAI 2024, from all areas of AI research: - 6-10 pages full paper describing original contributions (not under review at another venue). General descriptions of current and ongoing projects are also acceptable. This category will be published in SCAI 2024 proceedings unless the authors opt-out. Please note that full papers in the proceedings are approved as a scientific publication channel at level 1 in Norway. - 2 pages extended abstracts of previously published papers in e.g., AI journals and AI conferences, within the last 12 months. The two pages should include everything, e.g., references, figures, etc. These will not be included in the proceedings, only presented at the conference. - 2 pages extended abstract describing AI industrial application, demonstrating use cases that leverage machine learning and AI techniques in a real-world setting. The two pages should include everything, including references, figures, etc. The first author should be from industry. These will not be included in the proceedings, only presented at the conference. - 2 pages extended abstract describing ongoing Ph.D. projects (the first author must be a Ph.D. student). Problem statement and research question/s must be clearly introduced and motivated. The two pages should include everything, e.g., references, figures, etc. These will not be included in the proceedings, only presented at the conference. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the conference program committee and accepted contributions will be presented as oral presentations, practical demonstrations or poster sessions. Accepted full papers will be published in the electronic workshop proceedings (Linköping University Electronic Press). All submissions must be written in English using the IEEE Latex template available <https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/preparation-of-papers-for-ieee-sponsored-conferences-and-symposia/zfnqfzzzxghk> *The submission instructions will follow on the event website: *SCAI Symposium 2024 <https://ju.se/samarbeta/event-och-konferenser/konferens/scai-symposium-2024/> Organizing Committee - *Einav Perez-Andersson*, Jönköping University, School of Engineering (General Chair) einav.perez.andersson@ju.se - *Florian Westphal*, Jönköping University, School of Engineering, florian.westphal@ju.se - *Jerome Landre*, Jönköping University, School of Engineering, jerome.landre @ju.se - *Maria Riveiro*, Jönköping University, School of Engineering, maria.riveiro@ju.se - *Tuwe Löfström*, Jönköping University, School of Engineering, Tuwe.Lofstrom@ju.se - *Maria M. Hedblom,* Jönköping University, School of Engineering, maria.hedblom@ju.se - *He Tan,* Jönköping University, School of Engineering, he.tan@ju.se Steering Chair - Fredrik Heintz, Linköping University, fredrik.heintz@liu.se
Received on Thursday, 19 October 2023 14:02:05 UTC