Allen Flynn
Amedeo Napoli
Anna Bernasconi
Blerina Spahiu
David Booth
- FHIR RDF - 11am (Boston) Thursday June 1 - Minutes and Agenda: FHIR R5 updates
- FHIR RDF - 11am (Boston) Thursday May 25 - Minutes and Agenda: FHIR R5 updates
- FHIR RDF - 11am (Boston) Thursday May 18 - Minutes and Agenda: U Michigan questions, FHIR R5 updates
- Re: FHIR-RDF questions of interest regarding JSON-LD @context & the FHIR Prov Resource
- FHIR RDF - 11am (Boston) Thursday May 11 - Minutes and Agenda: FHIR R5 updates
- FHIR RDF - 11am (Boston) Thursday May 4 - Minutes and Agenda: FHIR R5 updates
Fernanda Farinelli
Frank Loebe
- ISAO 2023, July 10-14 - Call for Participation (Interdisciplinary School on Applied Ontology held in Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada)
- 7th ESAO Webinar, Wednesday, May 10, 2023 -- Call for Participation
ICBO 2023
- [CFP][ICBO 2023] Call for Submissions – Extension to June 07, 2023
- [CFP] [ICBO 2023] Reminder: 5Th Call for Submissions
- [CFP] [ICBO 2023] 4Th Call for Submissions
Jordana Sarmenghi Salamon
Lucia Gomez Alvarez
Maria Hedblom
- deadline extension: The 7th Image Schema Day (ISD7) @KR 2023, 2-4 September, Rhodes, Greece,
- 2nd CfP: The 7th Image Schema Day (ISD7) @KR 2023, 2-4 September, Rhodes, Greece
Mariana Damova, PhD
- Second call for papers DiSLiDaS 2023 collocated with LDK2023 - Extended deadline -
- Second call for papers DiSLiDaS 2023 collocated with LDK2023