ISAO 2023 BarCamp sessions on July 13-14 - Call for Physical Participation in Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada (Interdisciplinary School on Applied Ontology)

   < Spreading the word to everyone interested is highly appreciated >

= ISAO 2023 BarCamp sessions - Call for Participation =

This is a dedicated call highlighting the BarCamp sessions on the final 
two days of the Interdisciplinary School on Applied Ontology (ISAO), 
Thu-Fri, July 13-14, 2023 in Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. [1,2]

  [1]   (event website)
  [2]  (fwd to Google Doc Presentation)

== Key facts ==

  - at [3]
  - open until Tue, July 11 (EDT) [4]

target groups
  - particularly practitioners from industry, business and society,
    working with ontologies or considering that
  - researchers and students likewise highly welcome

format & purpose
  - self-organized BarCamp/unconference [5] sessions in 3 tracks
  - attendees can propose topics of their interest
  - useful for seeking feedback, group brainstorming, networking, ...

present onsite (on July 13-14)
  - 7 facilitators renowned in applied ontology
    (Michael Gruninger, Nicola Guarino, Giancarlo Guizzardi,
     Robert Hoehndorf, Maria Keet, Oliver Kutz, Asiyah Yu Lin)
  - ISAO attendees, so far composed of
    - near 50% academics
    - near 50% PhD students
    - few people from industry & business

   --> Join us for two highly interactive days, exchanging with and
       connecting to people at all levels of ontology expertise.

NB: Registration for the whole week of ISAO (July 10-14) is further 
possible and invited; cheap accommodation options on campus available.

Please find the ISAO 2023 session list below, as full schedule in [2].
See further the ISAO website [1] and maybe the last general call [6].

Thanks for reading and possibly spreading the word.
We are looking forward to exciting days in Sherbrooke!  :-)

Best regards,
Frank Loebe and Daniele Porello
ISAO 2023 General Chairs

== ISAO 2023 session list ==

=== Monday, July 10 ===

- Welcome & introduction to ISAO 2023
- Computational ontologies: What are they and why are they useful?
- Self-introductions of attendees I
- No ontology without Ontology: The role of formal ontological analysis 
in ontology building
- Writing first-order sentences
- The basic tools of formal ontological analysis
- The landscape of biomedical ontologies and OBO Foundry ontologies
- Self-introductions of attendees II
- Proofs and models
- [social final of the day] PubQuiz

=== Tuesday, July 11 ===

- Top-level ontologies: DOLCE and UFO
- SROIQ in 2700 seconds: A crash course in description logics
- Concept combination: Cognitive aspects and logical challenges
- Towards principles and methods for good ontologies
- Introduction to Basic Formal Ontology  < held by Barry Smith >
- [social final of the day] PizzaNight

=== Wednesday, July 12 ===

- OntoUML and the ontology of relationships
- Ontology verification and validation
- Semantic similarity with ontologies
- Cognitively constructed entities
- Biomedical ontologies and their uses
- [social final of the day] excursion

=== Thursday, July 13 ===

- Machine learning with ontologies
- Foundations of accessing data through ontologies
- Welcome II & BarCamp track organization
- BarCamp tracks
  - preplanned, run by a facilitator:
    - Biomedical ontology development tools
    - Ontology-driven conceptual modeling in practice
  - 4 free slots with topics TBD onsite
- What is a good paper in applied ontology?  < panel session >
- [social final of the day] social dinner

=== Friday, July 14 ===

- BarCamp tracks
  - preplanned, run by a facilitator:
    - Building ontologies hands-on
    - Ontology reviewing
  - 10 free slots with topics TBD onsite
- BarCamp tracks wrap-up & closing

== ISAO 2023 Sponsors ==

- Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ) [7]
- ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig [8]
- Siboire [9]

== References ==

[1] ISAO 2023 website

[2] ISAO 2023 advertising slide set (fwd to Google Doc Presentation)

[3] ISAO 2023 registration system

[4] registration deadline (EDT/UTC-4 applies to the date)

[5] brief format description at Wikipedia

[6] recent general call for participation at [iaoa-general] list

[7] Artificial Intelligence Journal

[8] ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig - Center for Scalable Data Analytics and
Artificial Intelligence, Germany

[9] Siboire Microbrasserie

[10] contact to General Chairs

[11] contact to Local Organizers

Received on Saturday, 1 July 2023 13:19:21 UTC