Call for Tutorials - SWAT4HCLS 2023 Basel

We invite tutorial proposals for the 2023 SWAT4HCLS edition to be held in
Basel, Switzerland in
February 2023. The tutorials will run on the first day on the 13th, the
conference on the 14th and 15th, and the hackathon on the 16th of February
2023. All tutorials will be published under
CC-by license (or a more permissive one if the tutorials facilitators opt
for it) and assigned a DOI in a centralized place provided by organizers.
Publication will include abstract, training
materials, slides and videos (if available).

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following

Semantic Web Infrastructures and Resources in Healthcare and Life Science

● Architectures and algorithms to support volume and scale, rapid knowledge
and heterogeneity
● Semantic querying, data validation languages, knowledge graphs,
rule-based systems.
● Infrastructures supporting provenance, traceability, trust and
● Information visualization and exploratory analysis methods
● Biomedical ontologies, rules and medical standards for interoperability
● Semantic workflow technologies and semantic web services applied in life
● Semantic Web technologies in FAIR data and open data ecosystems7
● Semantic scientific publishing in the life sciences, medicine and
healthcare, public health
● Semantic infrastructures for patient-centric healthcare data ecosystems
Semantic Web and AI in Healthcare and the Life Sciences
● Explainable AI and semantics
● Ontology based neural symbolic reasoning and learning
● Machine learning and data mining methods for Semantic Web data
● Knowledge-driven ML and data mining
● NLP and text mining using semantic technologies
● Clinical Intelligence from Electronic Health Records (EHRs), patient data
and clinical trial
● Applications of Solid

Semantic Web Technologies across Healthcare and Life Science Communities

● Semantic Web and biodiversity
● Semantic Web agriculture, food and nutrition
● Semantic Web drug discovery and drug repurposing
● Semantic Web translational medicine and personalized medicine
● Semantic Web and bioimaging
● Semantic Web and SARS-COV2

Proposals should include:

● Title
● Acronym (if applicable)
● Abstract (500)
● Responsible tutors and facilitators (if applicable) including contact
data and 1-paragraph
● Audience and required skills
● Tutorial schedule
● Links to previous versions of this tutorial (if applicable)
● Mode: in-person or hybrid (you can select more than one but please make
sure you
indicate the order of preference)
● Maximum number of participants
● Length of the tutorial (from 1 hour to 4 hours)

Please submit your tutorial proposal via EasyChair, and remember to select
“Tutorial” as the
submission topic. Proposals will then be reviewed by the Organizing
Committee (as they arrive
until fulfilling the maximum number of tutorials).

The acceptance criteria include
(i) topics
compatible with SWAT4HCLS,
(ii) potential to attract a good number of attendees,
(iii) achievability/soundness of the proposed agenda. Successful proposals
will be included as part of the SWAT4HCLS conference that will be held
either remotely or in a hybrid mode.

Tutorials will be allocated a maximum of half a day (and a minimum of 1

Important dates
● Proposal submission for tutorials: 10th of November 2022
● Acceptance notifications for tutorials: 25th of November (or earlier as
proposals will be
processed as they come)
● Registration for conference and tutorials closing on: TBD (close to the
conference day)
● Tutorials day: 13th of February 2023

Submission process
Please submit your tutorial proposal as a PDF via EasyChair and remember to
select “Tutorial”
as the submission topic.

Received on Thursday, 27 October 2022 13:19:50 UTC