- From: Frank Loebe <frank.loebe@informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
- Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2022 14:11:05 +0100
- To: public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org
[with apologies for short notice, where not a reminder] The Educational Series on Applied Ontology (ESAO) [1] is open for everyone and welcomes students, researchers and practitioners alike. --> The fifth of its regular webinar sessions will be held on Wednesday, December 14th, 2022 at 10:00 EST / 15:00 UTC / 16:00 CET / 17:00 SAST via this Zoom meeting: https://univ-tlse2.zoom.us/j/94922889721?pwd=T2ozYlFKMUNreGMwVVlTWTZEdzl4QT09 No registration needed; please find full connection details at the end of this message. Program ------- * 10:00 EST / 15:00 UTC / 16:00 CET / 17:00 SAST Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (Institut de Recherche de Toulouse, CNRS, Toulouse, France) "From Semantic metadata to an ontology-based legal decision support system for data sharing" Abstract: With the increasing availability of open datasets, data sharing becomes an evidence, in particular in the research domain. The FAIR principles have provided some guidelines to facilitate data sharing. They strongly recommend the use of semantic, machine processable and standard metadata. Nevertheless, these metadata are not sufficient to check if the data sharing is compatible with data sharing regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), other regulations about AI-based data analysis, or even the anticipation of inappropriate reuses of data. In the first part of my talk I will illustrate the advantages and limitations of semantic metadata. Then I will expose a research line based on collaborations with lawyers to design a rule-based and ontology-based support system that could guide data producers in their decision to share data according tho regulations and preferences. Series Description ------------------ The IAOA [2] has created ESAO [1], a new educational effort directed towards topics of Applied Ontology, primarily established basics and foundations. The series is inspired by the Interdisciplinary Schools on Applied Ontology (ISAO) [3] (the next edition of which will be held during July 10-14, 2023). ESAO is complementary in format and its overall approach. The goal is to provide a combination of an archive of educational material (e.g., short video lectures) and a series of webinars for presenting and discussing that material. Organization ------------ Members of the Education Technical Committee of IAOA [2] and among those primarily (in alphabetical order): * Lucía Gómez Álvarez * Frank Loebe * Sandra Lovrenčić * Cassia Trojahn (Chair) * Laure Vieu Contact E-Mail: info@iaoa.org [1] Educational Series on Applied Ontology https://wiki.iaoa.org/index.php/Edu:ESAO [2] IAOA website http://iaoa.org/ [3] ISAO History page https://iaoa.org/index.php/isao-history/ Connection Details ------------------ Topic: ESAO 5th Session Time: Dec 14, 2022 04:00 PM Paris Join Zoom Meeting https://univ-tlse2.zoom.us/j/94922889721?pwd=T2ozYlFKMUNreGMwVVlTWTZEdzl4QT09 Meeting ID: 949 2288 9721 Passcode: 936862 Join by SIP 94922889721@zoomcrc.com Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) (China) (India Mumbai) (India Hyderabad) (Amsterdam Netherlands) (Germany) (Australia Sydney) (Australia Melbourne) (Hong Kong SAR) (Singapore) (Brazil) (Canada Toronto) (Canada Vancouver) (Japan Tokyo) (Japan Osaka) Meeting ID: 949 2288 9721 Passcode: 936862 Join by Skype for Business https://univ-tlse2.zoom.us/skype/94922889721
Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2022 13:11:20 UTC