KGSWC 2021 Ibero-American Third Edition

Apologies for cross-posting
First Call for Papers
Third Ibero-American Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Conference
KGSWC 2021
Nov 22 – 24 2021
Texas A & M University, KIngsville, USA.

The Ibero-American Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference is an
international scientific conference series devoted to Knowledge Graph and
Web research. Due COVID-19 pandemic, this edition of the conference will be
online. The prime goals of the conference are:
(i) to provide a forum for the Semantic Web community, bringing together
researchers and practitioners in the industry to share ideas about R&D
projects and
(ii) to increase the adoption of the Semantic Web technologies within the

Topics of interest include, but not limited to:

Deep Learning on Knowledge Graphs
Graph-based Data Science
Text Mining and Natural Language Processing
Combining Semantic Graphs with Property Graphs
Probabilistic Knowledge Graphs
Vocabularies, Schemas, Ontologies
Web Analytics
Knowledge Mining and Fusion
Security and Data Privacy with Semantic Technologies
Knowledge Graphs and Deep Semantics
Semantic Linking and Search
Machine Learning in Semantic Computing
Linked Data
Social Web & Web Science
Mobile Web, Sensors, and Semantic Streams
Services, APIs, Processes and Cloud Computing
Benchmarking and Empirical Evaluation
Scientific Semantic Web

Submissions and Proceedings
KGSWC 2021 invites you to submit high-quality unpublished research papers
on the
topics of the conference. The submissions cannot be under review or
acceptance for
publication in a journal or another conference. The papers will be reviewed
by at
least three independent reviewers and submitted for plagiarism detection
The submissions must be written in English using the Springer style
one-column page format) (
computer/lncs/lncs+authors?SGWID=0-40209-0-0-0). We receive full papers
pages) and short papers (6-8 pages) and may be submitted in PDF via the
system below:
It is planned to publish the proceedings of KGSWC 2021 with Springer in
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS). final approval

Important Dates
Submission Deadline July 31, 2021
Notification Due September 30, 2021
Final Version Due October 31, 2021

For more information please check the Conference website

Please feel free to ask if you have any queries.
Dr. Sanju Tiwari (PhD, Post-Doc), SMIEEE
Sr. Researcher, Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas, Mexico
Adjunct Professor, Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India
Ph.D. Supervisor, Rai University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
General Chair *KGSWC-2020* (First Indo-American Conference)
Senior Member IEEE
Member Machine Intelligence Research Labs(MIR Lab), USA

Received on Wednesday, 24 March 2021 17:14:29 UTC