Last chance -- deadlines extended: International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO 2021)

Dear all,

In response to several requests, we have now extended the deadlines for
submissions to ICBO. The new, *final* deadlines are:

Direct-to-Journal Track: 30 April
Main Research Track: 12 May
Early Career Track: 26 May
Poster/Flash Abstracts: 16 June

You can find updated information at

Looking forward to receiving your submissions,

Best wishes,
Janna and the ICBO team.

On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 9:16 PM Janna Hastings <>

> (Apologies for cross-posting)
> === ICBO 2021 Call for Papers ===
> The International Conference on Biomedical and Biological Ontologies
> (ICBO) is a premier annual conference series that brings together
> researchers, students and professionals involved in the development and
> application of ontologies, knowledge graphs and semantic technologies in
> all areas of scientific research throughout the life and social sciences,
> including biology, medicine, diseases, human health, genome biology, human
> behaviour, environment, biomes, nutrition, food, plants, agriculture and
> others.
> ICBO 2021 ( is currently being planned as
> a “blended” event, with a face to face meeting in Bozen-Bolzano, Italy,
> accompanied by live streaming and an option for virtual participation.
> === Important Dates ===
> Direct to Journal Submissions: 21 April 2021
> Main Research Submissions: 5 May 2021
> Early Career Submissions: 26 May 2021
> Posters and Flash Presentations Abstract Submissions: 16 June 2021
> Conference: 15-18 September 2021
> === Call for Papers ===
> The theme for the 2021 conference is Ontologies for Global Challenges.
> This includes:
> - Ontologies relating to COVID-19
> - Ontologies relating to the climate crisis and the UN’s sustainable
> development goals
> - Ontologies overcoming barriers between basic research and translation
> - Ontologies addressing the reproducibility crisis in scientific research
> - Ontology as a tool for open science to reduce segregation of research
> results and improve access to the full body of knowledge across scientific
> disciplines, especially as applied to urgent topics such as the climate
> crisis
> - Ontologies in practice across national boundaries, e.g. medical
> ontologies needing to serve international contexts
> - Ontology in translation: ontologies supporting knowledge, data and
> applications in multiple languages
> - Overcoming the practical boundaries of ontologies in integrated
> applications including data annotation, data integration, data science,
> machine learning and other artificial intelligence technologies
> Submissions are particularly welcome that address aspects of this theme,
> but submissions outside of the theme are also welcome.
> ICBO 2021 is soliciting submissions of novel (not previously published nor
> concurrently submitted) research papers in all areas of ontology design,
> development, evaluation and use, ontology interoperability, knowledge
> graphs, ontology-driven intelligent systems, ontologies for explainable AI,
> and the application of ontologies to biological and biomedical problems,
> across the full range of life sciences. In addition, we would like to
> invite contributions showcasing methods for ontology-based research,
> including statistical methods, tool support for ontologies and semantic
> technologies including for the annotation of data, visualisation, analysis,
> and related applications, and contributions addressing the challenges
> associated with working with multiple ontologies at the same time,
> including ontology alignment and matching. Submissions are welcome from a
> broad range of approaches to ontology building and use.
> This year for the first time, in addition to the normal conference
> submissions ICBO is inviting submissions in a newly created direct to
> journal track in partnership with the Journal of Biomedical Semantics (
> Papers submitted
> to the ICBO thematic series at the Journal of Biomedical Semantics will be
> published immediately after acceptance and presented in the annual
> conference following acceptance. For this track, we suggest submission by
> the 21st April at the latest for full consideration for ICBO2021. However,
> as journal reviewing and revision times may vary, there is no guarantee
> that submissions received by the suggested deadline will have completed
>  the reviewing process in advance of the conference, thus earlier
> submission is recommended.
> The conference is also soliciting contributions to several conference
> tracks, for which the proceedings will be published with CEUR-WS as usual..
> The deadline for the submission of conference main research track papers
> (12 pages) is 5 May 2021, for early career submissions (short papers - 6
> pages) is 26 May 2021, and for abstracts for posters and flash
> presentations (3 pages) the deadline for submission is 16 June 2021.
> Contributions to the conference tracks should be submitted in PDF format
> following the CEUR-WS single column formatting guidelines found at
> The direct template download for Latex and
> MS Word is available here: There
> is also an Overleaf Template available here:
> Contributions to the direct to journal track should follow the journal’s
> instructions available here:

Received on Wednesday, 21 April 2021 12:12:10 UTC