RECORDING NOW AVAILABLE - Harold Solbrig & Chris Mungall: LinkML - A Linked Open Data Modeling Language

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Yosemite Project Webinar: LinkML - A Linked Open Data Modeling Language
Harold Solbrig and Chris Mungall

Recorded Apr 14, 2021


LinkML is a modeling language and collection of tools that joins the 
data processing world with the semantic, making it possible for 
developers to continue to employ tools such as JSON, YAML, SQL, 
spreadsheets, etc., while _directly_ working with RDF and ontology based 
semantics.  LinkML leverages and integrates technologies such as 
JSON-LD, Knowledge Graphs, RDF and Shape Expressions (ShEx), and 
provides an environment where semantics and data are seamlessly 
integrated and structural and representational transformations between 
communities can be based on the combination of RDF and ontology.

Why LinkML?  Twenty years ago, Tim Berners-Lee coined the term "The 
Semantic Web" in a seminal article in Scientific American.  While it is 
heartening to see how much of his vision has been realized, gaps still 
remain.  Berners-Lee's vision included the notion that the "Semantic Web 
is not a separate Web but an _extension_ of the current one, in which 
information is given well-defined meaning...".  While progress has been 
made in some areas (e.g., the world of data and the world of 
semantics still exist in separate spaces.  While tools and techniques 
exist to _transform_ (lift) data into the RDF space, to date these 
environments have been separate.  LinkML helps to bridge this gap.

This webinar provides a short introduction to the LinkML modeling 
language and tools: how it came to be, what it can be used for today, 
how it is being used in biomedical research, and where the developers 
intend to take it in the future.


Harold Solbrig is an active contributor to healthcare information 
modeling, semantics and standards-based information exchange for 40+ 
years.  He has served in multiple roles in the ISO, W3C, HL7 and other 
standards communities.  He has a master's degree in Software Engineering 
from Oxford University and is an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins 

Chris Mungall is Department Head of Biosystems Data Science at Lawrence 
Berkeley National Laboratory, working on the application of 
computational techniques to problems life sciences of relevance to the 
health of humans and the health of the planet.  His main interest is the 
application of artificial intelligence, knowledge-based methods, and 
bio-curation to advance our understanding of the interconnected role of 
genes and genetic mechanisms in key biological processes.

Please join us!

David Booth
Yosemite Project

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Received on Sunday, 18 April 2021 21:15:34 UTC