- From: David Booth <david@dbooth.org>
- Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2020 10:39:48 -0400
- To: w3c semweb HCLS <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
- Cc: "Houcemeddine A. Turki" <turkiabdelwaheb@hotmail.fr>
This week's CORD-19 presentation (Sep 29): - Houcemeddine Turki, University of Sfax, Tunisia: Wikidata and COVID-19: Creating a collaborative knowledge graph from CORD-19 scholarly publications 11:10am (Boston time) Tuesday Sep 29 Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83815969391?pwd=Q0k4Nm9xc3V2K0djL0FYT2JMVTJmUT09 Abstract: Knowledge graphs are an essential ingredient for information systems to handle the ever growing COVID-19 data on a daily basis. This presentation explains how open and collaborative FAIR knowledge bases like Wikidata can be useful to create a large-scale semantic representation of COVID-19 information from CORD-19 scholarly publications. I give an overview of how a data model has been collaboratively developed and maintained for COVID-19 knowledge, and I provide a detailed snapshot about the various methods used to extract items and statements from CORD-19 research papers. Then, I outline the tools for the enrichment of COVID-19 information on Wikidata as well as the knowledge graph validation methods applicable to COVID-19 knowledge. Finally, I describe the COVID-19 information in Wikidata and discuss its usefulness in supporting human decisions and social recommendations about the infectious disease. The session will also be recorded (thanks to Victor Mireles-Chavez). Other recorded presentations about CORD-19 semantic annotation projects are listed here: https://github.com/w3c/hcls/wiki/CORD-19-Semantic-Annotation-Projects CORD-19 is a database, released by the Allen Institute, of scholarly literature related to COVID-19. Thanks, David Booth
Received on Monday, 28 September 2020 14:40:06 UTC