Re: CORD-19 semantic annotations - 11am Tuesday (Boston time) - CANCELED TODAY - Rescheduled for next week

thanks for the update.  many may be interested in the personal health 
knowledge graph workshop going on now 
as part of the KG conference that is happening tomorrow and thursday 


On 5/5/2020 11:07 AM, David Booth wrote:
> Apologies, I thought I had sent out the announcement for today's call, 
> but I just discovered that it never left my Drafts folder.  :(
> We are rescheduling for next week instead, when Franck Michel will 
> present his work on CORD-19 Named Entities Knowledge Graph (CORD19-NEKG).
> David Booth
> On 4/28/20 12:09 PM, David Booth wrote:
>> Notes from today's call:
>> MEETING NOTES 28-Apr-2020
>> Present: David Booth, Victor Mireles, Louis Rumanes, Tom Conlin, 
>> Franck Michel, Gollam Rabby, Jim McCusker, Lucy Wong, Sebastian 
>> Kohlmeier, Tomáš Kliegr
>> Introductions
>> David Booth: 10 years applying semantic web tech to healthcare and 
>> life sciences, working on Mayo Clinic / Johns-Hopkins University 
>> collaboration.
>> Louis Rumane: United Health Group, Doing COVID research, looking at 
>> making a KG
>> Tom Conlin: Working with Melissa Haendel (Monarch Initiative),
>> Franck: INRIA
>> Gollam: Prague, Univ
>> Jim: Research sci RPI, working on KG w bio
>> Lucy: Allen institute, research scientist.
>> Tomas: Assoc Prof, Prague, KG.
>> Sebastian: Sr Mgr on CORD-19.
>> Victor: Semantic Web company researcher
>> Victor's Presentation
>> Slides here: 
>> victor: Semantic Web Company, 40+ FTEs.  Makes PoolParty. Works w 
>> companies in many counties.  Taxonomy helps extract entities from 
>> text. image search, data mgmt.
>> victor: Developing text and data mining tools for biomed, and 
>> CORD-19. We don't only annotate text.  What's useful about annotating 
>> text w entities is to use the knowledge, simplest is encoded in SKOS, 
>> such as broader/narrower.  But to do this we need to annotate the 
>> text into URIs, then import relationships into the graph.  Trying to 
>> link existing annotations w other knowledge sources.  Ont is 
>> simplified version of NIFT: documents have sections, sections have 
>> annotations that are SKOS concepts.
>> victor: So far, we've set up a pipeline to take a document and it 
>> finds annotations with offsets.  So far imported ChEBI, GO, MeSH, 
>> HPO, but using them as controlled vocab.  Many are very specific, 
>> such as "COVID-19" -- not really NLP, because there are not 
>> inflections, plurals, etc.  Output is a bunch of triples in the 
>> simple SKOS ont previously mentioned. Put them into GraphDB, along 
>> with the vocabs.
>> victor: Also looked at SciBite annotations.  They've done an 
>> excellent job annotating.  They also have their own controlled vocab 
>> that is very good.  JSON files have annotations. Put them into 
>> triples.  Combining them w bio DBs gives a graph DB.
>> (victor shows relationships in GraphDB viewer)
>> victor: you can navigate the hierarchy of concepts and link them to 
>> the paragraphs in CORD-19 DB.
>> (victor shows SPARQL queries)
>> victor: This allows us to pull up the titles and paragraphs of 
>> articles that both mention a kind of neoplasm and a kind of coronavirus.
>> victor: Want to take other DBs and put them into GraphDB also. 
>> Monarch Initiative is putting together KG, and also puts in SciBite.
>> victor: Missing from both our effort and Monarch: searchability.  I 
>> showed SPARQL queries using broader/narrower. Also need to be more 
>> efficient for humans, working also on faceted search.  Monarch 
>> Initiative is very good for machine readable stuff.  Another thing 
>> missing: relation extraction, from the text.  How does human 
>> determine that some text is saying that a protein interacts with 
>> another.  JPL (Lewis Magidney?sp?) is using a Stanford NLP for 
>> relation extraction.
>> It isn't perfect, but it indicates a relationship.  Both entities are 
>> in GO.  This adds new edges between entities.  Lots of interest in 
>> this topic now.
>> Franck: We're doing pretty close to this in INRIA, looking at named 
>> entities, wikidata entities, queries that gather all articles on 
>> cancer and any coronavirus.  Another thing we're doing: in addition 
>> to detecting named entities, we're running other tools to identify 
>> arguments, claims, evidence in articles and draw netowrk of claims 
>> and evidence to see what supports the claims.  Hope to publish this 
>> network soon as RDF graph.
>> victor: PubAnnotation shown last week, showed epistemic analysis.
>> Franck: Argument, clinical trial analysys.  Query pubmed and platform 
>> analyzes those articles.  Want to apply them to CORD-19.
>> Vincent: Is RDF available? victor: Will take a couple more weeks. 
>> Vincent: Size? victor: 20GB RDF.
>> David: Overlap between efforts, helpful to learn about each other's 
>> work.
>> victor: After looking at Monarch initative, it isn't new, names i 
>> recognized from Human Phenotype initative.  Most of that summarizes 
>> work that others have done.  FHIR DB also have overlaps with SciBite.
>> david: SPARQL query was valuable, but biologists need simple UI.
>> jim: Working on faceted browser for various things, that can be 
>> reused. Based on SPARQL fragments, property path gives certain 
>> values, here's how to render it.  Potentially useful here.  Also 
>> integrated WHYIS Vega (JS framework for charts and visualization), 
>> can plug a SPARQL query in and get a chart. People can share how 
>> thtey're exploring the graph.
>> Faceted search is a view in WHYIS, but a lot of the capabilities are 
>> designed to use nanopub.
>> Email list for these calls: 
>> Franck to present next week.
>> On 4/27/20 4:00 PM, David Booth wrote:
>>> We will use this zoom:
>>> Zoom Link: 
>>> password:  82AY02Rt66
>>> Thanks,
>>> David Booth
>>> On 4/27/20 12:04 PM, David Booth wrote:
>>>> Tomorrow (Tuesday) 11am Boston time Victor Mireles will present his 
>>>> work on RDFizing several annotations on the Cord19 dataset that are 
>>>> around in different vocabularies. Current vocabularies: gene 
>>>> ontology, ChEBI, human phenotype ontology, MeSH disease.
>>>> Details for joining the call will be posted in a follow-up message.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> David Booth
>>>> On 4/21/20 1:32 PM, David Booth wrote:
>>>>> [Apologies for reaching the google hangout participant limit 
>>>>> today, and thank you to Victor Mireles-Chavez for allowing us to 
>>>>> switch over to his zoom instead!  I will find a better solution 
>>>>> for next week.]
>>>>> Below are meeting notes from today's call.  If you would like to 
>>>>> present your work on CORD-19 semantic annotations, please email me 
>>>>> so that I can put you on the schedule. You do not need to have 
>>>>> results yet.  Even if you are just starting out, it is helpful to 
>>>>> learn what others are doing.
>>>>>                             ----------------------------
>>>>> MEETING NOTES 21-Apr-2020
>>>>> Present: David Booth, Jin-Dong Kim, Víctor Mireles, Oliver 
>>>>> Giles,Harry Hochheiser, Franck Michel, James Malone, Kyle Lo, 
>>>>> Sebastian Kohlmeier, Guoqian Jiang, Gaurav Vaidya, Gollam Rabby, 
>>>>> Oliver, Tomas Kliegr
>>>>> Introductions
>>>>> David Booth: Many years in semantic web technology, applying it to 
>>>>> healthcare and life sciences for the past 10years.  Involved in 
>>>>> standardizing the RDF representation of HL7 FHIR: 
>>>>> Gaurav: U of NC (, sem web 
>>>>> tech, using CORD-19, trying to annotate ont terms as part of 
>>>>> Robokop (
>>>>> Harry: U of Pittsburgh, involved w W3C, drug-drug interaction, 
>>>>> cancer information models, not actively using CORD-19.
>>>>> James Malone: CTO SciBite in UK, provide sem enrichment tooling to 
>>>>> pharma, KG building.  Background, applying ont to public data, 
>>>>> machine learning, building ontologies.
>>>>> Kyle: Researcher at Allen Institute, NLP, working on CORD-19.
>>>>> Oliver: Machine learning at SciBite w James, NLP, machine learning.
>>>>> Sebastian: Prog mgr at Allen Institute, CORD-19.
>>>>> Tomas: Working on rule learning, trying to apply it to CORD-19.
>>>>> Victor Mireles: Researcher at sem web co in Austria, looking at 
>>>>> annotations that others have been doing on CORD-19, trying to make 
>>>>> them match, and our own annotations.
>>>>> Presentation by Jin-Dong Kim
>>>>> Slides: 
>>>>> Jin-Dong: Tokyo, database center for life science, Japan gov 
>>>>> funded, bioinformatics, NLP, text mining, esp biomedical literature.
>>>>> (Jin-Dong presents his slides)
>>>>> Jin-Dong: Using multiple datasets.  Multiple groups producing 
>>>>> annotations, isolation.  PubAnnotation is a 10-year-old project to 
>>>>> integrate annotations to literature.  Collecting annotations for 
>>>>> COVID-19 literature to integrate and release them for other use. 
>>>>> PubAnnotation is an open repo of biomed text annotations. Anyone 
>>>>> can submit to it.  All annotations are aligned to the canonical 
>>>>> texts.
>>>>> Jin-Dong: PubAnnotation also provides RESTful web services. Many 
>>>>> annotators compatible with PubAnnotation. Also collecting manual 
>>>>> annotations using Testae.
>>>>> Q: Are the annotations from a controlled vocab or ont? Jin-Dong: 
>>>>> Both free text or from ont.
>>>>> Jin-Dong: Every text span has a URL.  You can see what projects 
>>>>> include a doc.  And you can choose a span of text and see what 
>>>>> projects used that span.
>>>>> Q: What is a project?  Jin-Dong: We collect any kind of 
>>>>> annotations. Project identifies the source of people who have 
>>>>> contributed annotations.
>>>>> Jin-Dong: Annotations can be accessed via a span URL. Also 
>>>>> converting annotationsn into RDF.  Still experimenting.  Also have 
>>>>> a search interface.  SPARQL queries.
>>>>> Jin-Dong: Trying to add annotations for temporation notations.
>>>>> Jin-Dong: Literature includes CORD-19 and LitCovid, from NCBI. 
>>>>> Uploaded all the test to PubAnnotation 
>>>>> (  Anyone can 
>>>>> contribute. To contribute, you can download, annotation, then 
>>>>> create a new project and add it to the LitCovid collection and it 
>>>>> will appear. Open platform. Same setup for CORD-19.  Received 6 
>>>>> contributions so far. Need to analyze them.  Planning to call for 
>>>>> wider contributions soon, maybe next week.  Plan to continuously 
>>>>> update.
>>>>> Guoqian: Any specific research questions using these annotations? 
>>>>> Particular use cases?  Jin-Dong: Need to find out. Clinicians 
>>>>> began with manual annotations.  Will figure out missing parts and 
>>>>> try to fill the gaps.  Many annotations are concept annotations 
>>>>> using ont -- many similar.  But we think there are still important 
>>>>> missing annotations, such as temporal expressions.  Looking to add 
>>>>> those. Also quantitative traits annotations are missing. Looking 
>>>>> for those too.
>>>>> Q: How might these be used?
>>>>> Franck: I'm in Inria/CNRS/Univ Côte d'Azur, contacts with Inserm 
>>>>> (French NIH) point to the need to search literature with questions 
>>>>> like: "What are the papers that link Coronavirus with other 
>>>>> diseases like diabetes or cancer?"
>>>>> James: Released COVID-specific annotations. Pharma using them: 
>>>>> looking for co-risk factors, or drugs interacting. Comes down to: 
>>>>> want to narrow down to a set of papers to read.  Anything that 
>>>>> gets them to the paper.  Want to read the o
>>>>> Franck: Summarizing the main claim of the paper helps also, to 
>>>>> narrow down the search.
>>>>> Victor: Drug-drug interactions.  Many other KGs, to link to 
>>>>> drug-drug or protein-protein interaction databases we need URIs, 
>>>>> so pubAnnotations can query and get URIs from it, so I can see 
>>>>> what drugs are mentioned in this span. Is this supported?
>>>>> Jin-Dong: Group in China is working on annotations for drug 
>>>>> repurposing.   I think they're using drug ont.
>>>>> Franck: How can we consume the annotations that have been 
>>>>> contributed? Jin-Dong: Download in JSON or CSV, or access as RDF.
>>>>> Tomas: We detect entities, then try to do semantic extension.  
>>>>> Would there be a way to use this for semantic extension of 
>>>>> entities, or get a list of highly specific concepts that appear in 
>>>>> the article. Jin-Dong: Yes, because they're in RDF, could do 
>>>>> that.  Tomas: How to match doc in your DB with doc in other DB?  
>>>>> Jin-Dong: Every doc is identified by a pair: DB identifier, and ID 
>>>>> within that DB.
>>>>> Tomas: How many annotations average per document? Jin-Dong: 
>>>>> Conversion is not entirely done.  RDF statements only partially 
>>>>> done. Jin-Dong: in CORD-PICO, for 26k docs, 69k annotations for PICO.
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>>> On 4/21/20 10:47 AM, David Booth wrote:
>>>>>> Last minute schedule change for today's call: Instead of Scott 
>>>>>> Malec, Jin-Dong Kim will present his work on "An open 
>>>>>> collaboration for richly annotating Covid-19 Literature".  Slides 
>>>>>> are here:
>>>>>> David Booth
>>>>>> On 4/20/20 11:56 AM, David Booth wrote:
>>>>>>> Tomorrow (Tuesday) 11am Boston time Scott Malec will discuss his 
>>>>>>> work on computable knowledge extraction using the CORD-19 
>>>>>>> dataset that was released by the Allen Institute.
>>>>>>> We will use this google hangout:
>>>>>>> More on Scott's work:
>>>>>>> We still have time for one other presentation tomorrow about 
>>>>>>> CORD-19 semantic annotation.  If anyone else is ready (with 
>>>>>>> slides) to present for 20 minutes, please let me know.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> David Booth
>>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> MEETING NOTES 7-Apr-2020
>>>>>>> Present: David Booth <>, Sebastian Kohlmeier 
>>>>>>> <>, Lucy Lu Wang <>, Kyle 
>>>>>>> Lo <>, Jim McCusker <>, Scott 
>>>>>>> Malec <>, Guoqian Jiang <>, 
>>>>>>> Todor Primov <>
>>>>>>> Sebastian: Allen Institute, Semantic Scholar, Non-profit AI 
>>>>>>> institute, w Lucy and Kyle.  Engaged in COVID-19 because as 
>>>>>>> non-profit could develop a corpus that we can make available. 
>>>>>>> Created CORD-19 dataset. Goal: Standardized format that's easy 
>>>>>>> for machines to read, to enable quick analysys of the 
>>>>>>> literature. Working to extend it. Weekly updates, but want to 
>>>>>>> get to daily updates.  Want to also get to to entity and 
>>>>>>> relation extraction.
>>>>>>> Guoqian: Identifiers used?  SHA numbers for full text, but also 
>>>>>>> IDs linked to DOIs and Pubmed IDs.  Should discuss best way to 
>>>>>>> have unique ID for publication.
>>>>>>> Kyle: Added unique IDs: cord_UID.  SHA is a hash of PDF, and 
>>>>>>> sometimes there are multiple PDFs for a single paper.
>>>>>>> Jim: DOIs?
>>>>>>> Lucy: Some papers do not have a DOI.
>>>>>>> Jim: Building a KG using generalized tools from another 
>>>>>>> projects, used in many domains.  Looking to do drug repurposing 
>>>>>>> using CORD-19. Using an extract of CORD-19.  Does deep 
>>>>>>> extraction of named entities and relationships.  Use PROV ont 
>>>>>>> and nanopublications, for rich modeling and provenance for 
>>>>>>> probabilistic KG. Arcs in picture are based on confidence level. 
>>>>>>> Allows high precision on drugs that have been tested on melanoma 
>>>>>>> before.  Re-applying this to COVID-19.  We focus on open 
>>>>>>> ontologies, and not using FHIR. Unpublished yet. Page-rank based 
>>>>>>> analysis of pubmed citation graph, to compute community trust in 
>>>>>>> a paper.
>>>>>>> Guoqian: What ont?
>>>>>>> Jim: Drugbank mostly.  Lots of targets.
>>>>>>> Kyle: Relation-entity set.  Closed set?
>>>>>>> Jim: We have drug graph, protein-protein interaction, and 
>>>>>>> drugbank has drug-protein interaction.  Molecular interaction.  
>>>>>>> CTD Comparative Toxinomic Database, Heng Ji Lab database started 
>>>>>>> with it.
>>>>>>> Kyle: Trying to add more KB entities?
>>>>>>> Jim: Want to expand the interaction set.  Also entities.  We 
>>>>>>> have all human proteins and drugbank drugs.  If you have a drug 
>>>>>>> with an effect on a target similar protein in COVID-19, will 
>>>>>>> there be hits, directly or indirectly?  To do that, we want to 
>>>>>>> score it also based on confidence in the research.
>>>>>>> Scott: My research approach is to integrate structured knowledge 
>>>>>>> from literature or other curated sources, and combine with 
>>>>>>> observational data to facilitate more reliable inference.  
>>>>>>> General idea is that contextual info can help interpret and 
>>>>>>> identify confounders. Confounders are common causes of the 
>>>>>>> predictor and outcome.  What I did with CORD-19: took pubmed 
>>>>>>> IDs, and found what machine reading performed and created KG.  
>>>>>>> Machine reading can run for months.  Jim's work on citation 
>>>>>>> analysis is cool.  Using semrep, developed by NLM, over titles 
>>>>>>> and abstracts in pubmed. Using Pubmed central IDs from metadata 
>>>>>>> table, in beginning of March, 31k papers, with 28k in pubmed 
>>>>>>> central. Seemed like a good place to start building a KG 
>>>>>>> quickly, to see the big picture quickly.  Pulled 106k semantic 
>>>>>>> predications in the 21k docs, pulled into cytoscape and computed 
>>>>>>> network centrality, and from that ranked. Fitered by biomedicl 
>>>>>>> entities, diseases, syndromes, amino acids, peptides or pharm 
>>>>>>> substances. Ranked themm by centrality to understnad their 
>>>>>>> importance.  Very prelim analysis. Interested to see how I might 
>>>>>>> expand on this and learn what others are doing.
>>>>>>> Guoqian: Can cytoscape support RDF graphs?  David: Yes.  Jim: 
>>>>>>> Yes, and you can form SPARQL queries to extract specific 
>>>>>>> interactions. Not 1:1 mapping of RDF graph to bio network.
>>>>>>> Todor: There are different plugins, one is SPARQL endpoint.  
>>>>>>> Others for other visualizations.  Keep expectations low.
>>>>>>> Jim: It also includes a knowledge exploration interface, built 
>>>>>>> on cytoscape.js, a re-implementation of cytoscape.  The 
>>>>>>> implementation I'm using has some interface element.
>>>>>>> Lucy: How does Coronavirus ont relate?
>>>>>>> Guoqian: Using this ont to annotate the papers.
>>>>>>> Lucy: Where did that ont come from?
>>>>>>> Jim: Built using OBO foundries?  Guoqian: Yes.
>>>>>>> Jim: We use OBO ont.  Oliver has a lot of tools for subsetting 
>>>>>>> and extracting for app ontologies.
>>>>>>> Guoqian: Also collaborating with Cochrane PICO ontology, 
>>>>>>> devloping COVID-19 PICO ont, specific subtypes of the high level 
>>>>>>> types, eg, subtypes of population with particular 
>>>>>>> co-morbilitidies.  The ont is also avail on github.
>>>>>>> Guoqian: How to collaborate?  Need a registry for KG from this 
>>>>>>> community?
>>>>>>> Lucy: Working on semantic annotation of entity and rel.  Lots of 
>>>>>>> people are doing bottom-up annotation, without formal vocab, 
>>>>>>> then linking to UMLS.  But haven't seen COVID-19 ont.
>>>>>>> Guoqian: Also should look at use cases that different groups 
>>>>>>> have. Community said they want open vocab instead of SNOMED-CT, 
>>>>>>> such as UMLS.
>>>>>>> Lucy: Also working with a group at AWS, KB of concepts, link to 
>>>>>>> ICD-10 and RXNorm, also lots of requests for protein and 
>>>>>>> interactions.
>>>>>>> Guoqian: Also procedure datasets.
>>>>>>> Lucy: What use cases are these projects addressing?
>>>>>>> Guoqian: For EBMonFHIR, they are focused on review of evidence, 
>>>>>>> and clinical concepts.  Other team looking at using OBO ont to 
>>>>>>> analyse DB to mine underlying mechanisms.  Ideally we should 
>>>>>>> have linkage across vocabularies.  Eg UMLS can link many ont.  
>>>>>>> But for OBO it might be  a challenge.
>>>>>>> Jim: From microbio perspectvie, most useful from this group 
>>>>>>> would be having cross mapping from clinical/FHIR/SNOMED-ish 
>>>>>>> world and OBO bio world, with translation between the two.  E.g. 
>>>>>>> I use uniprot IDs. Is that a problem?  What about drug IDs?  IDs 
>>>>>>> are the hardest part -- agree on some, and mappings for others.
>>>>>>> Guoqian: If we can provide a list of ont each team prefers, we 
>>>>>>> can discuss.
>>>>>>> Lucy: Would be great to be able to share annotations. 
>>>>>>> Centralized vocab?  Central KB?  Use cases are key.
>>>>>>> Scott: Mapping problems with COVID-19 are same as other mapping 
>>>>>>> problems.  Should have a central place to share projects.  
>>>>>>> Should keep use cases in mind.
>>>>>>> Sebastian: Please give us feedback on the dataset!
>>>>>>> Todor: Focus on specific questions that you want to answer, then 
>>>>>>> map using common IDs to address them.
>>>>>>> Daniel: What formats?  Right now we're using FHIR. Use others?
>>>>>>> Jim: might be useful for mapping.
>>>>>>> David: Useful to have each group present use cases and vocab.
>>>>>>> We'll meet weekly, same time, 1 hour.  Each group will present 
>>>>>>> their work in more detail, with focus on:
>>>>>>> what use cases they are addressing; and
>>>>>>> what vocabularies / ontologies they're using.
>>>>>>> Each group will present for 20 min presents, 10 min questions.
Deborah L. McGuinness
Tetherless World Senior Constellation Chair
Professor Computer, Cognitive, and Web Sciences
Director Rensselaer Web Science Research Center
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
105 8th Street
Troy, NY 12180
(v) 518 276 4404  (f) 518 276 4464

Received on Tuesday, 5 May 2020 15:20:37 UTC