K Lexical News | No. 28 | July 2020 - DRAFT EMAIL

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No. 28 ❘ July 2020


The new KLN: Lexicalbound<https://lexicala.com/kln/kln28/kernerman-preface/> | Ilan Kernerman
Tom McArthur 1938 – 2020

  *   The legacy of Tom McArthur<https://lexicala.com/kln/kln28/tom-mcarthur> | Lan Li
  *   What is 'reference science'?<https://lexicala.com/kln/kln28/mcarthur-reference-science> | Tom McArthur
  *   Asian Lexicography: Past, Present, and Prospective<https://lexicala.com/kln/kln28/mcarthur-asian-lexicography> | Tom McArthur
NexusLinguarum: European network for Web-centred linguistic data science<https://lexicala.com/kln/kln28/gracia-nexuslinguarum> |
Jorge Gracia
Applying the Ontolex-lemon lexicography module to K Dictionaries' multilingual data<https://lexicala.com/kln/kln28/lonke-bosque-gil-ontolex-lemon-lexicog> | Dorielle Lonke and Julia Bosque-Gil
English WordNet: A new open-source wordnet for English<https://lexicala.com/kln/kln28/mccrae-rudnicka-bond-english-wordnet> |
John P. McCrae, Ewa Rudnicka and Francis Bond
ELEXIS: Technical and social infrastructure for lexicography<https://lexicala.com/kln/kln28/elexis> |
Anna Woldrich, Teja Goli, Iztok Kosem, Ondřej Matuška and Tanja Wissik
Internet lexicography at the Leibniz-Institute for the German Language<https://lexicala.com/kln/kln28/ids> |
Stefan Engelberg, Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus and Carolin Müller-Spitzer
Understanding English Dictionaries: The first MOOC about lexicography<https://lexicala.com/kln/kln28/rundell-understanding-dictionaries> | Michael Rundell

  *   GlobaLex update<https://lexicala.com/kln/kln28/globalex>
  *   Tom McArthur and Globalex<https://lexicala.com/kln/kln28/kernerman-tom-mcarthur-globalex> | Ilan Kernerman

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Ilan Kernerman
2020 K Dictionaries Ltd
ISSN 1565-4745

Received on Thursday, 30 July 2020 13:30:28 UTC