Re: HL7/W3C: JSON-LD 1.1 @contexts for FHIR/RDF- 11am (Boston) Thursday Nov 21


JSON-LD 1.1 allows the ability to change the mapping of properties depending on the “type they were hanging off of”.

Harold Solbrig

From: Jim McCusker <>
Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 10:08 PM
To: David Booth <>
Cc: "" <>, w3c semweb HCLS <>
Subject: Re: HL7/W3C: JSON-LD 1.1 @contexts for FHIR/RDF- 11am (Boston) Thursday Nov 21
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 10:04 PM

I remember that an issue the last time around was that a lot of property names were different depending on the type they were hanging off of. Originally contexts weren't going to be able to help that. Has anything changed?


On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 4:13 PM David Booth <<>> wrote:
Last week we began discussing what would need to be done, to apply
JSON-LD 1.1 to FHIR for RDF.  Harold Solbrig provided some slides giving
background material on FHIR and FHIR/RDF, and explained how the FHIR
specification and examples are generated by a build process.  His slides
are at

(They arrived too late to be included in last week's minutes.)

This week EricP will show and discuss experiments that he has created,
for using JSON-LD 1.1 @contexts to interpret plain FHIR/JSON as RDF.

Teleconference information is below.

-------- Forwarded Message --------

I am pleased to announce that we are re-launching the joint W3C/HL7
FHIR/RDF standardization effort, with three main goals:

  - Revise FHIR/RDF to be based on JSON-LD 1.1 (instead of Turtle), so
that FHIR/JSON can be used directly as RDF merely by referencing a
standard @context (to be defined by this work).

  - Improve ease-of-use, based on experience gained to date.

  - Improve documentation and guidance.

Anyone interested in this work is encouraged to join the teleconference:

     11am (Boston) Thursday Nov 7
     We will use Google Hangout:

     More info:

David Booth

Jim McCusker

Director, Data Operations
Tetherless World Constellation
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute<><>

Received on Wednesday, 20 November 2019 14:03:40 UTC