PDDI Min Info Model Task Force - reminder and please complete doodle poll


Please note the following two items:

*Item 1)* *Reminder* -- please review penultimate Community Group Note 
by 5/17/18. Please reply directly to me or on the Community Group 
mailing list (public-hclscg@w3.org) or create an issue on the Note's 
github (https://github.com/w3c/hcls-drug-drug-interaction) with any 
comments, edits, or concerns within three weeks (by May 17th). Please 
ensure that your name and affiliation is written correctly. Also, an 
funding acknowledgement that needs mentioned.

- Temporary web location (what the note will ultimately look like): 

- Word and PDF versions in case you want to make edits/comments (please 
note that the final version of this will be rendered as shown on the web 

*Item 2)* *Please complete this poll for **scheduling****a meeting in 
June to work torwards finalizing the Note *

- https://doodle.com/poll/8xzu9zbueprsu6dc

thanks a bunch!


Richard D Boyce, PhD
Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Clinical and Translational Science in the Clinical and Translational
Science Institute
Director of the Informatics Core for the Center of Excellence for Natural Product- Drug Interaction Research (NaPDI)
Faculty, Center for Pharmaceutical Policy and Prescribing
Faculty, Geriatric Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Gero-Informatics Research and Training Program
University of Pittsburgh
Office: 412-648-9219
Twitter: @bhaapgh

Received on Thursday, 10 May 2018 21:32:07 UTC