1st CFP - KR4HC-ProHealth 2017 workshop in AIME 2017

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Call for Papers

9th International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care 


10th International Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems in 
Healthcare (ProHealth)

Organized as One Full Day Workshop

KR4HC-ProHealth 2016

Vienna, Austria; June 24, 2017

In conjunction with the International Conference onArtificial 
Intelligence in Medicine (AIME2017)

Web site: http://banzai-deim.urv.cat/events/KR4HC-ProHealth-2017/

Submission site:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kr4hcprohealth2017

Formalizing medical knowledge and procedures is a means to introduce 
artificial intelligence in the practice of medicine. In the last years 
we have witnessed the increasing advances and continuous incorporation 
of computer technologies for knowledge representation and process 
modeling as a means to improve health care and to provide every time 
more automated and modern clinical services.

These technologies remain at the very core of other medical informatics 
areas such as decision support systems, e-health, m-health, smart 
health, simulation, clinical alarm systems, electronic health care 
records, patient-centered care, modeling, standardization, and quality 

The Joint International Workshop KR4HC-ProHealth in 2017 is the fifth 
time that two separate research communities merge to address common 
medical issues, to discuss about new trends, and to propose solutions to 
health care issues by means of the integration of knowledge 
representation and process management technologies as a contribution of 
the advance of medical informatics.

Format of the Workshop

The 1-day workshop will comprise accepted long and short papers, tool 
presenta­tions, and one keynote. Papers should be submitted in advance 
and will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. 
Informal proceedings will be available during the workshop. At least one 
author for each accepted paper should register for the workshop and 
present the paper. The selected best long (full) papers will be included 
in the formal proceedings, which are expected to be published as part of 
the LNAI Springer series, as it was done in all previous editions of the 


The scope of the workshop includes, but is not limited to the following 

  * Process modeling in health care
  * Computer-interpretable clinical guidelines and protocols for
    decision support
  * Workflow management in healthcare
  * Semantic integration of health care processes with electronic
    medical records
  * Knowledge representation and ontologies for health care
  * Temporal knowledge representations and exploitation in health care
  * Facilitating knowledge-acquisition of health care
  * Visualization, monitoring, and mining health care processes
  * Knowledge extraction from health care databases and medical records
  * Knowledge combination, personalization, and adaptation of health care
  * Adherence and compliance of health care processes
  * Evaluation of quality and safety of care flow systems
  * Managing flexibility and exceptions in health care
  * Process optimization and simulation in health care organizations and
  * Experiences in deploying knowledge-based tools in health care
  * Patient empowerment in health care
  * Decision support technologies for multimorbid and co-morbid patients
  * Linking clinical care and clinical research
  * Lifecycle management for health care processes
  * Context-aware health care processes
  * Knowledge-based modeling, simulation and synthetization of health care
  * Ambient intelligence & smart processes in health care
  * Process interoperability & standards in health care
  * Process-oriented system architectures in health care

Paper Submission

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers for presentation in any 
of the areas listed above. Only papers in English will be accepted. 
Three types of submissions are possible: (1) full papers (12 pages long) 
reporting mature research results, (2) position papers reporting 
research that may be in preliminary stage not yet been evaluated, and 
(3) tool reports. Position papers and tool reports should be no longer 
than 6 pages. Papers must present original research contributions not 
concurrently submitted elsewhere.

Papers should be submitted in the LNCS format. The title page must 
contain a short abstract, a classification of the topics covered, 
preferably using the list of topics above, and an indication of the 
submission category (regular paper, position paper, or tool report).

Papers (in PDF format) should be submitted electronically via the 
Easychair system.

Important Dates

April 7, 2017: Abstract Submission

April 13, 2017: Paper Submission

May 8, 2017: Paper Acceptance

May 29, 2017: Final Camera Ready Papers

KR4HC/ProHealth Workshop:June 24, 2017

Workshop Co-Chairs

David Riaño, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain

Richard Lenz, University of Erlangen and Nuremberg, Germany
Mor Peleg, University of Haifa, Israel

Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, Germany

Contact person:  David Riaño (david.riano@urv.cat)

Received on Friday, 24 February 2017 12:53:12 UTC