- From: Andrea Nuzzolese <andreagiovanni.nuzzolese@cnr.it>
- Date: Thu, 5 May 2016 19:39:11 +0200
- To: public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org
Apologies for cross-posting. ======================================================== CALL FOR DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM PAPERS 20th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2016) Doctoral Consortium days: 19-20 November 2016, Bologna, Italy Abstract submission: September 8, 2016 Paper submission: July 15, 2016 Web site: http://ekaw2016.cs.unibo.it/?q=call-for-doctoral-consortium ======================================================== The EKAW 2016 Doctoral Consortium is an opportunity for PhD students to discuss and obtain feedback on their ongoing work, plans and research directions with/from experienced researchers in the field. The objective is to share best practices of research methods and approaches, as well as to exchange on what it means to engage in an academic and research career on the topics relevant to the EKAW conference. The Doctoral Consortium is intended for students at every stage of their PhD. For starting PhD students (or finishing Master students), submissions should be in the form of a well-defined problem statement, as well as a clear plan for a research methodology to address this problem and some ideas towards an approach. Students in their second or third year of their PhD should also include a description of already obtained results, as well as a clearly defined evaluation protocol. All students will have an opportunity to present their work to an international audience. Experienced members of the EKAW community will act as mentors, each paired with one student and providing direct, focused feedback to them. All proposals submitted to the EKAW 2016 Doctoral Consortium will undergo a reviewing process with a view of providing detailed and constructive feedback. In addition to being reviewed by at least two experienced researchers, each paper will also be reviewed by one other student having submitted to the Doctoral Consortium. The objective here is to make students experience the reviewing process and to provide for each paper different views regarding the research they describe. == SUBMISSION INFORMATION == We ask the PhD students to submit a 5-8 pages description of their work. All proposals have to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair conference submission System (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ekaw2016). Submissions should be structured around the following items which are the key methodological components required for a sound research narrative: Problem: describe the core problem/research question/hypothesis of the PhD and motivate its relevance for the knowledge management, knowledge acquisition and knowledge representation areas; State of the art: describe relevant related work and point out areas that need to be improved or investigated; Proposed Approach: present the approach taken and motivate how this is novel with respect to existing work; Methodology: sketch the methodology that is (or will be) adopted, including (for late stage PhDs) the evaluation protocol, i.e. the way in which results and/or the research hypothesis will be validated. Results: describe the current status of the work and any results that have been reached so far; Conclusions and future work: conclude and specify the major items of future work. == ADDITIONAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS == All submissions must be single-author submissions. Please acknowledge your PhD advisor(s) and other contributors in the Acknowledgements section. Students accepted to present at the Doctoral Consortium must plan to attend the Doctoral Consortium for the whole day in order to gain as much value as possible from the experience. Each submitter should also be aware that they will be asked to review one other paper submitted to the Doctoral Consortium. Submissions must be either in PDF or in HTML, formatted in the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). For details on the LNCS style, see Springer's Author Instructions (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0). For details on the HTML format, see the HTML submission guide (http://ekaw2016.cs.unibo.it/?q=html-submission-guide). Accepted papers will appear in supplementary post-conference proceedings to be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. == TOPICS == The Doctoral Consortium focuses on the same topics of the main conference (http://ekaw2016.cs.unibo.it/?q=callforpapers). == IMPORTANT DATES == - Abstract Submission: September 8th, 2016 - Full Paper Submission: September 15th - Notification: October 6th, 2016 - Camera-Ready: October 13th - Doctoral Consortium: November 19th-20th, 2016 == CHAIRS == - Valentina Presutti (STLab, ISTC-CNR, Italy) - Mathieu d’Aquin (KMi, The Open University, UK)
Received on Thursday, 5 May 2016 17:42:01 UTC