- From: seljamar <seljamar@buffalo.edu>
- Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 05:04:26 -0400
- To: Ontolog Forum <ontolog-forum@ontolog.cim3.net>, public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org, Semantic Web <semantic-web@w3.org>
Fourth International Workshop on Definitions in Ontologies (IWOOD 2016) CALL FOR PAPERS Apologies for cross-posting Please forward this message to colleagues in the areas of interest Held in conjunction with the International Conference on Biological Ontologies (ICBO 2016) in Corvallis, Oregon, from August 1 to 4, 2016. Website: http://sites.google.com/site/defsinontos2016/home Definitions of terms in ontologies serve a number of purposes. For example, logical definitions allow reasoners to assist in and verify classification, lessening the development burden and enabling expressive query. Natural language definitions can help ameliorate low inter-annotator agreement. Good definitions allow for non-experts and experts in adjacent disciplines to understand unfamiliar terms making it possible to confidently use terms in external ontologies, facilitating data integration. The goals of this workshop are: -to engage participants in discussing what are well-constructed textual and logical definitions; -to disseminate methodological solutions to textual and logical definition writing and generation; -to introduce tools to assist in definition creation; -to bring together interested researchers and developers to explore issues relating to definitions and enable cross-fertilization leading to new approaches; -to share case studies that expose difficulties arising in definition construction, evaluation, interpretation, and revision; -to disseminate strategies of evaluation of definitions by readers from different domains in order to reveal potential difficulties in interpretation; -to disseminate practices for participants to bring back to their projects that will improve the quality of their ontologies; -to provide an opportunity for interaction and collaboration with experts on definitional practices; -to provide a platform for ontology developers to initiate cross-ontology collaborations for definition-related matters. TOPICS Paper topics include but are not limited to: -Experiences in formulating definitions; -Tools that assist in definition editing or creation, including collaborative systems; -Coordination of logical and textual definitions; -Validation and quality control of definitions; -Methods for constructing definitions from multiple sources; -Use of controlled languages such as Rabbit or ACE for more user-friendly logical definition creation; -Use of templates to systematize definition creation; -Technical issues encountered in definition creation, checking, or revision; -Techniques or studies evaluating definitions; -Adaptation of definitions for different audiences. FORMAT AND OUTCOMES The workshop will consist of case-based presentations on strategies, methodologies, and tools for writing, evaluating, and revising textual and logical definitions in ontologies. Presentations will be followed by extensive discussions on the presented strategy and use cases. The organizers will facilitate interactivity by providing collective exercises on definition creation, evaluation, and revision in relation to the speakers’ presentations. The audience will also be invited to submit use-cases and examples that have presented difficulty, which will then be discussed in an open format. The workshop will document findings on the workshop website: http://sites.google.com/site/defsinontos2016/home. Contributions will be published in the ICBO Proceedings. INTENDED AUDIENCES The intended audiences for this workshop are: -Ontologists, tool developers, and domain experts whose work encounters issues regarding definitions; -Tool developers building definition- or ontology-authoring tools; -Philosophers and logicians; -Terminologists and lexicologists working on definitions and their modeling; -Biomedical researchers working on definitions in nomenclatures such as SNOMED; -Computer scientists addressing these issues in languages like OWL; -NLP researchers working on definition extraction, generation, or checking; -NLP/IR researchers reusing definitions produced for ontologies. SUBMISSIONS All papers should include one or more case studies and address specific issues related to definitions, ideally demonstrating a link to a biological or biomedical domain, or the general theme of the conference: "Food, Nutrition, Health and Environment for the 9 billion". All papers should be between 4 and 8 pages, excluding references, formatted using the ICBO MS Word templates found at: http://icbo.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/ICBO_submission. The workshop language is English. Papers are to be submitted using EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iwood2016). IMPORTANT DATES -Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: April 25, 2016 -Notification of Paper Acceptance: June 15, 2016 -Camera-Ready Copies Submission Deadline: July 1, 2016 -Workshops: August 1-4, 2016 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Selja Seppälä (University at Buffalo, USA) Amanda Hicks (University of Florida, USA) Mark Jensen (University at Buffalo, USA) Patrick Ray (University at Buffalo, USA) Alan Ruttenberg (University at Buffalo, USA) Daniel R. Schlegel (University at Buffalo, USA) PROGRAM COMMITTEE (see updates on the website) Mauricio Almeida (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil) Pamela Faber (Universidad de Granada, Spain) Natalia Grabar (Université de Lille 3, France) Mustafa Jarrar (Birzeit University, Palestine) Marie-Claude L'Homme (Université de Montréal, Canada)
Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2016 09:04:59 UTC