PDDI Info Model Task Force - CONTENT Sub-team minutes for 6/30

Hi Team,

The minutes from the All Team Meeting (7/28), and the standard and 
content sub-team meetings (7/21 and 7/19 respectively) are pasted below 
(online at https://goo.gl/ghMvr3). Session recording links are provided 
for the sub-team meetings. Sorry about accidentally not recording the 
all team meeting. Thanks to Elizabeth Garcia for writing the minutes!

Kind regards, -R

    Minutes for 7/28/2016 (All-Team Meeting)

In Attendance:  Mathias Brochhausen, Ammar Halawa, Brian Hocum, Brian 
LeBaron, Dan Malone, Evan Draper, John Horn, Maria Herrero, Matthew 
Breitenstein, Michael Miller, Øystein Nytrø, Serkan Ayvaz, Xia Jing, 
Harry Hochheiser, Katrina Romagnoli, Daniel Rubin, Guillermo Vega 
Gorgojo, Elizabeth Garcia, Louisa Zhang

Meeting recording:  None (accidental)



    Task Force Progress to Date


        Content sub-group


            Exemplar potential drug-drug interactions


            Creation of decision trees for specific interactions; some
            of which adopted from AHRQ Task Force


                Team developing new decision trees; there will be 15-20
                decision trees total


                Not yet public (can request via email), but will
                eventually be published


        Standard sub-group


            Scope of knowledge representation for the project


            Setting down guidelines for how ontology will be developed


    User-Centered Definitions: https://goo.gl/xGeUr2




            Clinical Consequences




            Mechanism of Action


        In Progress


            Recommended Action:  will be going out as a Qualtrics survey


            Frequency of Harm within the context of Frequency of Exposure


                Pending; combination into one user-centered definition




            Seriousness Rating; Contextual Information/Modifying Factors


            By third week of August


    W3C Interest Group Note:


        Open source, broadly distributed


        Lays down a nice set of artifacts that can be further enhanced


        Everything in draft note right now


        Google Docs under each section


            Comments to refer to literature


            Use “track changes” (Suggestions) within Google Doc to make


        This first note will be the introduction


            Laying down the purpose and the guidelines


        oThere will be a second note that focuses on the actual model


            Ontologies and terminologies; genus differentia


            Going deep into representation


            Artifacts:  potential drug-drug interactions implemented
            within the model


            Can discuss why certain decisions were made


    W3C Interest Group Note Sections:


        Introduction: https://goo.gl/eDX72y


            What the motivation is


            What methods were used to arrive at:


                User-Centered Definitions


                User Stories


                Med Rec Use Cases


                Knowledge Representation


        How drug interactions were selected


            Not the most important, or contraindicated, but rather
            situations that highlight boundary cases in the minimum
            information model


                E.g., applies at the class level, does not apply at the
                class level, etc.


            Write-up will discuss how pairs were selected


            Exemplar potential drug-drug interactions: https://goo.gl/P1In54


        User Stories: https://goo.gl/Pb21wt


            Giving a face to the user who would need to have some
            contact with DDI information


                Drug-drug interacting pairs selected from exemplars


            Brainstorming stakeholders; led to comprehensive list that
            was narrowed down to tighten scope


            Came out of Interviews, reviewing internal interview
            transcripts, literature


            Color-coding scheme applying information model definitions


            Information needs related to different users also listed


        Knowledge Representation Core Considerations: https://goo.gl/jhwj9e


            Mathias Brochhausen and a team within Standard sub-group


            Goal is to set the scope for how to build the information
            model as an ontology


            Level of representation required


            Reusing terms, building ontologies


            OWL File:  Mathias (DIDEO), Maria (DINTO)


            Invitation for comments




            Problem within other DDI task groups:  tendency for
            suggestions to not be tracked


                Keeping track of all comments in appendices; what was
                commented, what was suggested, etc.


                Why they didn’t make it into final versions


            Everyone is welcome to comment on these Google Docs


    Medication Reconciliation Use Cases (Elizabeth): https://goo.gl/x86CLm


        Øystein Nytrø discussed medication reconciliation use cases as a
        rallying point for the task force


        Workshopped through the three use cases


            Goal is to show a detailed user workflow that incorporates
            elements of the task force information model


            Modifying factors:  being able to tie to controlled vocabularies


            Evidence:  pull out from other cases


            Edits will be made to tie the use cases to the model,
            highlight definitions


            Qualtrics will be sent out to elicit feedback


                Enhancements, improvements


                Other elements the information model could or should support


        Please feel free to comment on the Google Doc as well


    Next Steps


        Sub-teams will continue to meet


            Content team will wrap up decision trees


            Standard team will wrap up definitions


            Qualtrics will be sent out re: user-centered definitions,
            medication reconciliation use cases


            Doodle Polls will be sent out July 29 to plan remaining
            sub-team meetings


        After October:  more All-Team meetings


            Progress in terms of writing


            Goal is to have this all written up by the end of the year

    Minutes for 7/21/2016 (Standard subgroup)

In Attendance:  Mathias Brochhausen, Kim Nolen, Chris Vitale, Michel 
Dumontier, Maria Herrero, Kim Nolen, Xia Jing, Oliver He, Brian Hocum, 
Brian LeBaron, Richard Boyce, Louisa Zhang, Elizabeth Garcia

Meeting recording: http://goo.gl/Fb498l



    Update from Content group:  Progress on decision trees


        Minutes from Decision Tree group meeting lists all decision
        trees in progress: https://goo.gl/Mqi8YC


        Want to include DDIs that reflect information model elements


            Suggested PDDI spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/P1In54


            Selected to depict boundary cases; minimum information model
            would benefit from this pair because it highlights a PDDI
            that should be contextualized


            Clear definitions for clinicians; want to represent this
            information as a goal of the task force


            Seriousness is really dependent on the patient and the
            situation; not just “this is serious,” but “this is serious


        Overall changes to clinical scope


            Recommended actions limited to 3:  no special precautions,
            assess risk and take precautions as necessary, use only if
            benefit outweighs risk


                We inherited the idea of creating decision trees from
                the AHRQ task force (alerting); footnotes will say what
                actions to take


            Limiting work to prescription drug-drug interactions


                For now, not including over-the-counters or herbals to
                keep the focus simpler


            Enzyme inhibitors


                What’s the list of enzymes?  List of evidence to support


    Progress on mechanism of interaction user-centered definition


        User-Centered Definitions: https://goo.gl/xGeUr2(Can comment)


        Discussion re: scope of what is included under “process”


            For the purposes of the information model, representing
            mechanisms in great detail will not be possible


            At a higher level, there are information sources that are
            not clinically helpful; this is trying to address that problem


        Edits discussed and approved


    Update from Mathias:  PDDI Task Force – KR subgroup


        Knowledge Representation Core Considerations  will be split into
        two parts:


            Basic representation of scope


            Content document


        Meeting next week to finalize; close to getting a complete document


        Next task will be to start building a small web ontology
        language file (OWL file)


            If anyone would like to help Mathias with the OWL
            development process (more than just commenting), please let
            him know


        Definitions and Drug Interactions now available to start making
        parallel progress


    Update on User Stories


        PDDI User Stories and Information Needs:
        https://goo.gl/Pb21wt (please comment)


        Color-coded to show information model user-centered definitions


        Presented various user stories and made edits based on


    Update on Detailed Medication Reconciliation Use Cases


        In-depth cases that show what needs to be queried, what is
        needed in a clinical workflow, etc.


        Please comment on the following Google Doc: https://goo.gl/x86CLm


        Will be discussed in-depth at the upcoming All-Team Meeting


    Next Steps


        Please fill out All-Team Meeting Doodle Poll


            Meeting will be finalized ASAP


        Doodle Poll will be sent July 25 to schedule August, September,
        and October meetings


        User-Centered Definitions


            Qualtrics re: “Recommended Action” will be sent out July 27/28


            “Frequency of Harm” definition also being developed; will be
            developed within the context of “Frequency of Exposure”


        Detailed Medication Reconciliation Use Cases


            Please review and add comments prior to All-Team meeting

    Minutes for 7/19/2016 (Content subgroup)

In Attendance:  Brian Le Baron, John Horn, Serkan Ayvaz, Evan Draper, 
Richard Boyce, Dan Malone, Michel Dumontier, Oktie Hassanzadeh, 
Elizabeth Garcia, Louisa Zhang

Meeting recording: http://goo.gl/vWnKz0





        All-team Doodle poll:  opportunity for all of us to meet


        Final progress on user needs (user stories, medication
        reconciliation use cases)


        Mathias Brochhausen’s sub-team meeting on developing the actual
        ontology, including definitions and how things will be represented


            File upcoming; updates in Task Force Meeting Minutes:
            https://goo.gl/2mKdkY <https://goo.gl/Y3GE51>


    Progress on Decision Trees


        Good progress on 6 interactions (in addition to 3 already
        developed for interactions picked)


        Meeting minutes have been posted in Task Force Meeting Minutes:
        https://goo.gl/suIMnS <https://goo.gl/Y3GE51>


        Next steps will be to finalize these 6 decision trees at an
        upcoming meeting


            Doodle Poll will be sent out


    Progress on mechanism of interaction user-centered definition


        User-Centered Definitions:  https://goo.gl/xGeUr2
        <https://goo.gl/xGeUr2> (Can comment)


        “Information Content Entity” discussion will be used to build
        the ontology


        Importance of attaching “clinical consequences” to the
        definition for the purposes of the minimum information model


        Edits discussed and approved


    User Needs


        Goal is to finalize these


            Putting a fictional face to someone who would potentially be
            using the minimum information model


        Write-up is going to describe the minimum information model


        Will break into two interest group notes


            One introduces the topic and sets the scope and approach for
            knowledge representations


            Another will discuss the model itself and representation


    Update on User Stories


        PDDI User Stories and Information Needs: https://goo.gl/Pb21wt


        Workshopped through various user stories


            “Screening” category changed to “Evaluation of Management
            Options” for several stories


            “Nurse” user story will focus more on “Screening”


            “Clinical Decision Support” user story will be split into
            content user and technical user


                Turned into a team; need both a content expert and a
                technical expert in order to design rules and implement them


            Information Model elements will be highlighted and color-coded


            Please review and add comments with questions or suggestions


    Update on Detailed Medication Reconciliation Use Cases


        In-depth cases that show what needs to be queried, what is
        needed in a clinical workflow, etc.


        Please comment on the following Google Doc: https://goo.gl/x86CLm


        Will be discussed in-depth at the upcoming All-Team Meeting


    Next Steps


        Please fill out All-Team Meeting Doodle Poll


            Meeting will be finalized ASAP


        Doodle Poll will be sent ~July 25 to schedule September and
        October meetings


        User-Centered Definitions


            Qualtrics re: “Recommended Action” will be sent out July 27/28


            “Frequency of Harm” definition also being developed; will be
            developed within the context of “Frequency of Exposure”


        Decision Tree Sub-Group


            Look out for Doodle Poll within the next week (August 25 –
            September 2 meeting)


        Detailed Medication Reconciliation Use Cases


            Please review and add comments prior to All-Team meeting

Received on Friday, 29 July 2016 10:01:39 UTC