Hi Team,
The minutes and link to meeting recording for the June 30th meeting of
the *content sub-team* of the PDDI Info Model Task Force are pasted
below. Thanks to Elizabeth Garcia for writing them!
Kind regards, -R
Minutes for 6/30/2016 (Content subgroup)
In Attendance: Evan Draper, Sam Habiel, Richard Boyce, Dan Malone,
Elizabeth Garcia, Louisa Zhang
Meeting recording: http://goo.gl/1d7uwg
Progress on user-centered definitions
User-Centered Definitions
Doc allows for further comments)
Formal definitions will be used to develop an computer-readable
Clinical Consequences: discussion about beneficial
clinical consequence example; will be updated as per Evan’s
Evidence: minor edits; will also need to add examples of
types of evidence described in definition
Direction moving forward:
Mechanism of Interaction
Qualtrics will be sent out ASAP
Frequency of Harm
Draft by the end of July
Middle of August: remaining definitions
i.e., contextual information/modifying factors,
recommended actions, seriousness rating
User Stories and Use Cases
Descriptions of the users who will be using this information model
Google Doc listing information needs has been developed; further
development into user stories
Draft document: PDDI User Information Needs
Elizabeth and Louisa will be reaching out to task force members
for feedback on user stories
Elizabeth: clinicians
Louisa: clinical decision support
Will take 1-2 more weeks to get the Google Doc together;
will be updated by July 18th
Medication Reconciliation Use Cases
Elizabeth has interviewed a hospital pharmacist and will
interview a consultant pharmacist in order to develop 2-3
detailed use cases
Question about whether to useSuggested potential drug-drug
use cases
Proposed adding linezolid + SSRI as a potential
drug-drug interaction, based on hospital pharmacist
Modifying factors are unknown; where you would give
this pair is set by the indications of the drugs
Added a new category: DDI where modifying factors are
not known
Very common in clinical practice
Decision Tree Development
Need to delegate the further development of decision trees for
the project
Remaining: DDI pairs that do not have highlights
We want something very similar to the decision trees we have in
Describe what the interaction is (fairly specifically)
What things would be helpful for a clinician to know?
Sub-group: Evan, Dan, John
Evan – Tyrosine kinase inhibitors + proton pump inhibitors,
Warfarin + etoposide
Dan – Tamoxifen + paroxetine, MAOIs + stimulants
Rich will discuss with John (to get 1 or 2 more done)
Doodle Poll will be sent out for sub-group meeting between
July 11thand July 22nd
Follow up at next Content meeting
Next Steps
Qualtrics: “Mechanism of Interaction” user-centered definition
will be sent out July 1
Decision Tree Sub-Group (Dan, John, Evan): Look out for Doodle
Poll (July 11 – July 22)
All-Team Meeting: Look out for Doodle Poll (July 25 – August 5)
Medication Reconciliation Use Cases (Elizabeth): draft will be
posted on Task Force website July 1
Further discussion at next All-Team Meeting
Next Content Sub-Team Meeting (July 19)
Agreeing on Drug Interactions to Focus on for Information
Model development
User Stories (Elizabeth and Louisa): Updated Google Doc by
July 18