- From: Heiko Paulheim <heiko@informatik.uni-mannheim.de>
- Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 15:50:18 +0100
- To: public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org
CoDeS 2016 International Workshop on Completing and Debugging the Semantic Web May 29 or 30, 2016 Heraklion, Greece http://www.ida.liu.se/~patla00/conferences/CoDeS16/ co-located with ESWC 2016 (http://2016.eswc-conferences.org/) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Developing ontologies and Semantic Web data sets is not an easy task and, as the ontologies and data sets grow in size, they are likely to show a number of defects (wrong information as well as omissions). Such ontologies and data sets, although often useful, also lead to problems when used in semantically-enabled applications. Wrong conclusions may be derived or valid conclusions may be missed. Further, during the recent years, more and more mappings both between ontologies as well as entities in the Linked Open Data cloud have been generated, e.g., using ontology alignment and/or entity linking systems, forming a linked network of data sets and ontologies. This has led to a new opportunity to deal with defects, as links between datasets and ontologies may be exploited for debugging, or the interlinks between them. On the other hand, it also has introduced a new difficulty as the mappings may not always be correct and need to be debugged themselves. Also the linked data level may contain wrong information and omissions in the data as well as the links. Defects can take different forms. Syntactic defects are usually easy to find and to resolve. Defects regarding style include such things as unintended redundancy. More interesting and severe defects are the modeling defects which require domain knowledge to detect and resolve such as defects in the structure, and semantic defects such as unsatisfiable concepts and inconsistent ontologies. Topics of interest This workshop intends to be a forum where issues related to completing and debugging the Semantic Web are discussed. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * detecting and repairing defects in ontologies * detecting and repairing defects in linked data * detecting and repairing defects in mappings * debugging and completing ontology networks and modular ontologies * ontology alignment and repair of alignments * justifications, belief revision, ontology patterns for debugging * user support for ontology debugging and completion * visualization and user interfaces for debugging and completion * case studies Important dates * Submission: March 4, 2016 * Notification: April 1, 2016 * Camera-ready: April 15, 2016 * Workshop: May 29 or 30, 2016
Received on Monday, 25 January 2016 14:51:56 UTC