hi David
I think my comment may have created more concern than is warranted. RDF
> does have named graphs, which we could use to delineate a certain set of
> triples. But we haven't been doing that for FHIR RDF and I don't think it
> is needed either. In practice, the FHIR resource that you get contains
> whatever data it contains, whether it's in XML, JSON or RDF. And if it
> somehow requires anything that isn't there, then it is non-conformant,
> whether it is XML, JSON or RDF. If something is not there but not
> required, then that just means that the sender didn't include that
> information, whether it is in XML, JSON or RDF. So I think the question of
> missing data boils down to a question of conformance, which would be the
> same whether it is in XML, JSON or RDF.
ok, fine. I can go with that.
and mine about how you know
>> where to start are probably more serious
> I think we addressed this on yesterday's 5pm call. We decided to add a
> fhir:resourceType property (analogous to the JSON resourceType property),
> which would identify the starting instance data element (as its subject)
> and its FHIR resource type (as its value):
> https://www.w3.org/2016/02/16-hcls-minutes.html#resolution03
so you don't add this to contained resources, or resources in an entry in a
ok. I'll update my code.