RE: CodeableThingy

The abstract superclass was not in the proposed scheme. The structure is containment rather like the existing FHIR CodeableConcept, Coding, code structure except that everything becomes what is equivalent to the CodeableConcept.
If we want an abstract superclass then we have to change the approach.

Tony Mallia

From: Lloyd McKenzie []
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2015 5:56 PM
To: David Booth
Cc: w3c semweb HCLS;
Subject: Re: CodeableThingy

Let's not worry about naming until we've verified whether an abstract superclass approach is in fact necessary.  I'd like to keep the FHIR terms as part of the name just to avoid confusion.

Lloyd McKenzie, P.Eng.
Senior Consultant, Information Technology Services
Gevity Consulting Inc.

M: +1 587-334-1110<tel:1-587-334-1110>

Informatics for a healthier world

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NOTE: Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the opinions and positions expressed in this e-mail do not necessarily reflect those of my employer, my clients nor the organizations with whom I hold governance positions

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 5:46 PM, David Booth <<>> wrote:
I would be inclined to try to align more with existing FHIR naming than SNOMED-CT naming.  Since we're not using an abstract superclass approach, how about calling it a fhir:CodeableConcept?


On 07/15/2015 07:14 PM, Anthony Mallia wrote:
We need to name CodeableThingy and other Thingy's which were
temporary names. Here is a suggestion of how the structure might be
named. Reminder that even if the original FHIR XML element was a
CodeableConcept, Coding or code, when in the RDF space it will always
be the CodeableThingy sparsely populated appropriately.

Here is a proposed set of names that aligns somewhat with the SNOMED
CT names. fhir:CodeableThingy becomes a fhir:Concept (this is
distinct from the fhir:ValueSet.Concept) fhir:CodingThingy becomes a
fhir:Term – a Concept represented in a specific terminology system
fhir:codeThingy becomes a fhir:Term.Code thereby internally declared
to Term. All the object properties of fhir:Term have ranges of
Term.Code, Term.Display, Term.System, Term.Version and Term.Primary.
This allows greater control of the classes as opposed to the general
use of fhir:URI and fhir:String.

fhir:Concept.term [ rdf:type fhir:Term; fhir:Term.system [ a
fhir:Term.System ; “fhir:value”^^fhir:uri-primitive ] ; fhir:Term.code [ a
fhir:Term.Code ; fhir:value "admin"^^fhir:code-primitive ] ;
fhir:Term.display [ a fhir:Term.Display ; fhir:value
"Admin"^^fhir:string-primitive ] ; ];


-----Original Message----- From: David Booth
[<>] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 1:03 PM To:
w3c semweb HCLS;<> Cc: Lloyd McKenzie Subject: Fwd:
Re: CodeableThingy

We discussed this on today's call:

Tony made some good progress on adding it in to his side-by-side
example document:

A couple of questions remained, and were recorded as action items to figure out:

[NEW] ACTION: Rob to check with Lloyd about whether someone can
define a Code, specifying a new coding system URI in [recorded in]

[NEW] ACTION: Tony to ask lloyd about attaching a class breadcrumb to
a CodeableThingy instance to indicate what FHIR form it was
originally [recorded in]

Thanks, David Booth

-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject:    Re: CodeableThingy
Date:   Tue, 14 Jul 2015 07:28:44 -0400 From:   Lloyd McKenzie
<<>> Reply-To:         Lloyd McKenzie
<<>> To:       Grahame Grieve
<<>> CC:        HL7 ITS

Well, what I had actually proposed (and know how to make work) is
this: <SubClassOf> <Class abbreviatedIRI="hl7:CodeableConcept"/>
<Class abbreviatedIRI="hl7:CodeableThingy"/> </SubClassOf>
<SubClassOf> <Class abbreviatedIRI="hl7:Coding"/> <Class
abbreviatedIRI="hl7:CodeableThingy"/> </SubClassOf> <SubClassOf>
<Class abbreviatedIRI="hl7:Coding"/> <ObjectExactCardinality
cardinality="1"> <ObjectProperty
</ObjectExactCardinality/> </SubClassOf> <SubClassOf> <Class
abbreviatedIRI="hl7:Coding"/> <ObjectMaxCardinality cardinality="0">
<ObjectProperty abbreviatedIRI="hl7:CodeableThingy.text"/>
</ObjectMaxCardinality/> </SubClassOf> <SubClassOf> <Class
abbreviatedIRI="hl7:Code"/> <Class
abbreviatedIRI="hl7:CodeableThingy"/> </SubClassOf> <SubClassOf>
<Class abbreviatedIRI="hl7:Code"/> <ObjectExactCardinality
cardinality="1"> <ObjectProperty
</ObjectExactCardinality/> </SubClassOf> <SubClassOf> <Class
abbreviatedIRI="hl7:Coding"/> <ObjectMaxCardinality cardinality="0">
<ObjectProperty abbreviatedIRI="hl7:CodeableThingy.text"/>
</ObjectMaxCardinality/> </SubClassOf> <SubClassOf> <Class
abbreviatedIRI="hl7:Coding"/> <ObjectMaxCardinality cardinality="0">
<ObjectProperty abbreviatedIRI="hl7:CodeableThingy.text"/>
</ObjectMaxCardinality/> </SubClassOf> <SubClassOf> <Class
abbreivatedIRI="hl7:Coding"/> <ObjectAllValuesFrom> <ObjectProperty
abbreviatedIRI="hl7:CodeableThingy.coding"/> <ObjectMaxCardinality
cardinality="0"> <ObjectProperty
abbreviatedIRI="hl7:CodingThingy.display"/> </ObjectMaxCardinality>
</ObjectAllValuesFrom> </SubClassOf> <SubClassOf> <Class
abbreivatedIRI="hl7:Coding"/> <ObjectAllValuesFrom> <ObjectProperty
abbreviatedIRI="hl7:CodeableThingy.coding"/> <ObjectMaxCardinality
cardinality="0"> <ObjectProperty
abbreviatedIRI="hl7:CodingThingy.primary"/> </ObjectMaxCardinality>
</ObjectAllValuesFrom> </SubClassOf> <EquivalentClasses> <Class
abbreviatedIRI="hl7:CodeableThingy"/> <ObjectUnionOf> <Class
abbreviatedIRI="hl7:CodeableConcept"/> <Class
abbreviatedIRI="hl7:Coding"/> <Class abbreviatedIRI="hl7:Code"/>
</ObjectUnionOf> </EquivalentClasses>

Whether we can make the whole thing work with equivalent classes, I'm
not sure, but happy for Tony to try :>

*Lloyd McKenzie*, P.Eng. Senior Consultant, Information Technology
Services Gevity Consulting Inc.
E:<> <<>> M: +1
587-334-1110<tel:587-334-1110> <tel:1-587-334-1110<tel:1-587-334-1110>> W:<>


*GEVITY **/Informatics for a healthier world /*

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governance positions

On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 5:30 AM, Grahame Grieve
<<>>> wrote:


I don't really understand any of this, because I don't know what you
mean by 'is an equivalent class of'. Is this an actual is-a
statement? or just something that means whatever you want it to

Class CodeableConcept is an equivalent class of CodeableThingy

Class Coding is an equivalent class of CodeableThingy where there can
be only 0..1 CodingThingy.coding and 0..0 CodingThingy.text

Class code is an equivalent class of CodeableThingy  where there is
1..1 CodingThingy.coding and 0..0 CodingThingy.text and the
CodingThingy.coding has 0..0 CodeableThingy.display and 0..0


On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 2:02 AM, Lloyd McKenzie <<>
<<>>> wrote:

>From our discussion today

*Lloyd McKenzie*, P.Eng. Senior Consultant, Information Technology
Services Gevity Consulting Inc.
E:<> <<>> M: +1
587-334-1110<tel:587-334-1110> <tel:1-587-334-1110<tel:1-587-334-1110>> W:<>


*GEVITY **/Informatics for a healthier world /*

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