Yosemite Project - Weekly Teleconference 1pm ET Friday

This is a weekly teleconference for anyone interested in
contributing to the Yosemite Project.  The purpose is to
coordinate activities in support of the Yosemite Project
mission, such as roadmap refinement, standards activities,
webinar planning, outreach and technical demonstrations.

All participants are expected to have at least reviewed our
2015 roadmap overview slides[8], our 2014 roadmap overview
slides[4] and the recorded webinar[3].

Fridays 1:00 pm Eastern US timezone
Meeting password: yosemite
Phone: +1-617-324-0000 Access code: 315 956 227
Agenda: https://goo.gl/W5YRMv

David Booth
For the Yosemite Project Steering Committee[7]

1. http://YosemiteProject.org/
2. http://YosemiteManifesto.org/
3. http://tinyurl.com/YosemiteRoadmap2014
4. http://dbooth.org/2014/yosemite/yosemite-project-slides.pdf
5. http://tinyurl.com/YosemiteRoadmap20150709
6. Agenda: https://goo.gl/W5YRMv
7. http://yosemiteproject.org/steering.html
8. http://tinyurl.com/YosemiteRoadmap20150709slides

Received on Friday, 10 July 2015 13:26:38 UTC