Re: Comments on the ONC Roadmap for Healthcare Interoperability

Thanks for sharing this David. Really glad you got this in by the deadline & had the participation you did, great!

You probably know that HIMSS2015 is happening this week in Chicago.[1] There are >40k attendees and a significant online presence.  Lots of people tweeting at #HIMSS15 #interoperability #healthdata

Most of the established healthcare vendors have big booths & are holding events.  Interoperability was the mantra at his huge conference. The mantra was chanted at every talk, including CEO's of America's healthcare systems who have profited extensively from a world of data in silos, taxing us every step of the way for data.

Dr. Karen DeSalvo gave a good keynote this morning. She spoke about ONC's Interoperability Roadmap and "standards to RESTful Internet approaches, APIs, and making data liquid with patient consent."  Clearly, there is lots of room for the Yosemite Project Steering Committee to make concrete recommendations. If I can help open doors or get behind you on this, please ask.

Dr. DeSalvo was interviewed by Erin McCann of Healthcare IT News in a 5 min video yesterday. It provides a sense of what has happened in the last year, touches on interoperability, and her priorities are up to 2016 ("the forth quarter" as she described in her keynote).[2]  

Online streaming is available & they recorded the keynotes & several sessions if you want to part with $49 to register as an online attendee.[3] There are a few more sessions today.


Bernadette Hyland
CEO, 3 Round Stones, Inc.  ||   || Skype. BernHyland  || Main. +1-877-290-2127 || Direct. +1-571-331-3758

[1] <>


[3] <>

> On Apr 3, 2015, at 5:21 PM, David Booth <> wrote:
> FYI, here are the comments that Conor Dowling, Michel Dumontier, Claude Nanjo, Rafael Richards and I submitted today to the ONC on the ONC's draft roadmap[1] for healthcare interoperability:
> Thanks especially to Kerstin Forsberg, Harold Solbrig and others in the HL7 and W3C groups for early discussions and help on this -- particularly the need for stable URIs.
> I wish we could have included other peoples' names as co-submitters, but we finished the draft only 10 minutes before the submission deadline -- alas, with a couple of typos remaining -- and I did not feel comfortable adding anyone's name without permission.  So the best we could do was to sign it ourselves as members of the Yosemite Project Steering Committee.
> P.S. Direct editing of the document has now been disabled, but you can add comments.  Please do!  The ONC will not see them (unless they happen to read this list), because the submitted version was a snapshot that was downloaded in PDF.  However, your comments will be helpful for future use.
> Thanks!
> David Booth
> 1. ONC roadmap:

Received on Thursday, 16 April 2015 16:25:35 UTC