RDF validation questionnaire

In some Mayo grant work, I have prepared a questionnaire on the
expressivity of shape expressions. It presents a high-level language
for expressing RDF constraints, explains a number of the technical
points, and asks the user for which features and technical approaches
are important to their work and their view of what will make the
language successful. There are a couple places where you can click for
extra geekiness, in case the baseline geekiness was insufficient.

I'd like people to fill out the form imagining their immediate uses
for RDF validation as well as those that may come with new markets
enabled by the existence of such RDF validating tooling. The form will
record your results whenever you hit submit so you can easily revisit
your answers after reflection.

This work is supported in part by a NIH U01 grant – caCDE-QA

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Received on Wednesday, 15 April 2015 17:09:42 UTC