I co chair the Application Implementation and Design working group at HL7.
Would care to present to us at our next working group HL7 meeting in San
Antonio January18-23 ?
We'd probably be the right group for this proposal.
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From: David Booth <david@dbooth.org>
To: "Eric Prud'hommeaux" <eric@w3.org>, public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org,
Claude Nanjo <cnanjo@gmail.com>, Josh Mandel <jmandel@gmail.com>, Hans
Constandt <hans@ontoforce.com>, Christel Daniel
<christel.daniel@crc.jussieu.fr>, "'Sajjad Hussain'"
<sajjad.hussain@crc.jussieu.fr>, Mustafa Yuksel <mustafa@srdc.com.tr>,
Gokce Banu Laleci Erturkmen <gokce@srdc.com.tr>, Erick Von Schweber
<erick@surveyorhealth.com>, "Solbrig, Harold R."
<Solbrig.Harold@mayo.edu>, Stan Huff <Stan.Huff@imail.org>, "Jiang,
Guoqian, M.D., Ph.D." <Jiang.Guoqian@mayo.edu>, "Emory Fry (Google Drive)"
<eafry@gmx.com>, Conor Dowling <conor-dowling@caregraf.com>, Arash
Shaban-Nejad <arash.shaban-nejad@mail.mcgill.ca>, Michael Denny
<msdenny@mitre.org>, Kerstin Forsberg <kerstin.l.forsberg@gmail.com>,
hong.sun@agfa.com, jakub.kozak@collite.cz, suat@srdc.com.tr,
a.j.g.gray@hw.ac.uk, Frank.van.Harmelen@cs.vu.nl, annette@cs.vu.nl
Date: 09/22/2014 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: COI call Tue 23 Sep agenda, links and logistics
I can also give an update on our effort to start an HL7 work group on
"RDF for Semantic Interoperability".
On 09/22/2014 09:51 AM, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> * Eric Prud'hommeaux <eric@w3.org> [2014-03-17 15:09-0400]
> Agenda:
> 1. FDA Therapeutic Area Ontologies
> slides: http://www.w3.org/2014/Talks/0924-FDA_TA-egp/
> 2. FHIR-RDF updates from Claud and David?
> Call will be from 16:00-17:00 UTC (08 PDT, 11 EDT, 17 CET) (5 mins)
> using the Zakim Bridge: +1.617.761.6200, with
> Conference Code: 4257 ("HCLS")
> For text, we will use the IRC channel #hcls on irc.w3.org port 6665.
> Please try out <http://irc.w3.org/> if you don't have an IRC client.