Re: Proposed agenda for Nov 18 HL7 ITS RDF / W3C HCLS COI call

Draft minutes are at
and in plain text below.



                                - DRAFT -

                     HL7 ITS RDF Subgroup / W3C HCLS

18 Nov 2014

    See also: [2]IRC log



           Brian_Pech, Bryn_Rhodes, David_Booth, EricPrud'hommeaux,
           Ingeborg, Joshua_Phillips, Kerstin_Forsberg,
           Marc_Twagirumukiza, Paul_Knapp, Rob_Hausam, Tony_Mallia,
           Daniel_Karlsson, Vassil

           David Booth (and Paul Knapp)



      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]Minutes
          2. [5]previous minutes
          3. [6]Logistics
          4. [7]Followup on last week's discussion with Mark Musen
          5. [8]Proposed work items
          6. [9]FHIR ontology
          7. [10]ICD-11 and SNOMED
          8. [11]Bridging VA, Intermountain and other models
          9. [12]Issue tracking
         10. [13]Use Cases
         11. [14]PhUSE-FDA project (formerly CDISC2RDF)
         12. [15]C-CDA RDF representations
         13. [16]High-level concept mapping to RDF (AR typeCodes,
         14. [17]Other work proposed work items
      * [18]Summary of Action Items

    <Marc_Twagirumukiza> Hi every one this is Marc Twagirumukiza
    from Agfa Healthcare




    <dbooth> ITS page:


    <dbooth> RDF subgroup:


    <dbooth> Meeting minutes:


previous minutes

    <scribe> scribenick: ericP

    pknapp: PROPOSED to accept
    [23] as a record of
    the last meeting



    APPROVED: accept [24]
    as a record of the last meeting



    dbooth: two wiki choices or this HL7/W3C joint work
    ... which shall we use for administative stuff?
    ... other work, e.g. FHIR ontology, can be on another wiki

    <Marc_Twagirumukiza> I support HL7 wiki as well

    dbooth: but for the admin stuff i propose that HL7 host the
    adminstrative wiki

    PROPOSED use the HL7 wiki as the administrative wiki

    APPROVED: use the HL7 wiki as the administrative wiki


    bility COI Task Force



Followup on last week's discussion with Mark Musen

    ericP: note the tech topics, e.g. FDA therapeutic areas,
    terminfo, etc.

    <dbooth> The recording:


    dbooth: any followup on Mark's presentation?

    <dbooth> Rough notes:


    Tony: following up with MarkM on the details hidden by the ICAT

    <dbooth> ACTION: Tony to find out more details about how iCat
    handles ICD-11 ont and report back [recorded in

    <Zakim> ericP, you wanted to point out the snomed examples in
    the FDA TA work

    tl SNOMED example


    <dbooth> Eric: If you're digging into this, here's an example
    of SNOMED that I took, and found all of the examples of
    everything that they said about it -- level in the cell, test
    results, in range, out of range. All the entities that SNOMED
    teases apart. It would be great to take the same slice of

    <daniel> There is a new way of representing lab in SNOMED CT as
    of recently

    <dbooth> ... Not a legit SNOMED extraction though, because I
    changed the nubmers to human readable URLs.

    Tony: i've got the 110M SNOMED snapshot from earlier this year.

    <dbooth> David: Might be a good use case!

    ericP: you shouldn't have to dig back into the 110M 'cause i
    already did that

    Tony: still waiting for access details from MarcM
    ... I've been looking at the bits that i've already dug into,
    e.g. allergies to bee stings

    <daniel> Here's an alpha version of new lab content

    <Marc_Twagirumukiza> ...just to disambiguate it's Mark

    <daniel> Daniel Karlsson

    <daniel> [30]


    daniel: there's a new style for SNOMED

    Tony: is there a style guide you can point to?
    ... once we dig down into the details of the ontologies, you're
    sucked in for 2 years


Proposed work items

    dbooth: we have lots of potential work items and limited
    ... we can persue multiple things but it will depend on the
    individual champions.

FHIR ontology

    <Marc_Twagirumukiza> I would volunteer in the FHIR ontology,
    --- just as related work to what we did for SALUS project



    dbooth: claude nanjo and ericP have worked on this. we should
    schedule reviews

    Tony: we discussed this in the HCLS COI call
    ... the issues were what models for what use cases and how to
    build the ontology

    dbooth: on one end of the spectrum there's "what ontology
    facilitates machine transformation"
    ... on the other, "what ontology facilitates humen

    Tony: there's also which supports SemWeb inference
    ... we may want to bring these together or maybe not

    Marc_Twagirumukiza: reusable graphs need to be human-readable,
    machine-readable, etc.
    ... we did this for SALUS, "entities" were RDF graphs at the
    domain level. we could map it to other data.
    ... so hoping to contribute to this task

    <dbooth> Eric: I can present what Josh and I did.

    dbooth: so you're stressing the convergence

    <dbooth> Claude's work attempted to be more human friendly.

    ericP: i can present the stuff that Josh and I did

    <Marc_Twagirumukiza> Actually what can help there is not to
    'just' ontologyze FHIR but to build up a partitioned reusable
    domain RDF graphs from the complexe information model

    <Marc_Twagirumukiza> those will be a key for converging and
    mapping as well

    dbooth: claude did an ontology as well

    Tony: i can present what i did at VA

    <dbooth> ACTION: Tony and Eric to work with each other and
    Claude to prepare comparison of FHIR ontology approaches
    [recorded in

    <dbooth> My view is that the *most* important is an ontology
    that works well for machine processing -- instance data
    translation, inference, etc. That needs to be the basis. Then
    making it more human friendly -- or conceptually understandable
    -- would be nice to have.

    dbooth: priority should be machine processing

    Tony: agree. "reasoner-friendly"
    ... something we can use with existing tools


    dbooth: we discussed this earlier.

Bridging VA, Intermountain and other models

    Tony: depends on what MarkM can give me. i have no access to
    the bits.

    <dbooth> David: Not a current work project. Create a wiki page
    for project ideas backlog?

    dbooth: maybe we should create a backlog page

    Tony: rep from VA would be rafael (not on this call)

    Marc_Twagirumukiza: sometimes the backlog becomes a
    brainstorming place with no followup.

    <dbooth> ACTION: David to create a wiki page for backlog
    [recorded in

    Marc_Twagirumukiza: but very necessary, also needs an issue

Issue tracking

    <dbooth> Eric: W3C Tracker is integrated with IRC

    ericP: we can start with tracker, which will work with IRC and

Use Cases

    <dbooth> ACTION: ericP to send pointers to existing wiki pages
    [recorded in


    <dbooth> (Eric already pointed to the W3C COI page)

    dbooth: what use cases with what goals?

    <dbooth> Eric: Migration of CCDA to FHIR

    <dbooth> Eric: Utility on FHIR RDF that would motivate mapping

    dbooth: need different levels of use cases
    ... need one simple enough for a slide, e.g. BP
    ... it would be nice if they could be used across different

PhUSE-FDA project (formerly CDISC2RDF)

    Kerstin_Forsberg: know the CDISC2RDF. can work on this.

    Ingeborg: i know SDTM quite well



    <dbooth> ACTION: Kerstin and Ingeborg to prepare a status and
    future state ideas for PhUSE-FDA work [recorded in

    <dbooth> Kerstin and Ingeborg have volunteered to champion the
    PhUSE-FDA work.

    ericP: our use cases for FDA-TA were to:
    ... .. make different studies in the same therapeutic area
    compatible for safety and efficacy analysis
    ... .. make e.g. drugs in differnt TAs comparable for safety

C-CDA RDF representations

    <dbooth> ACTION: Eric to establish/make a wiki page for C-CDA
    RDF representations work [recorded in

    dbooth: ericP is champion

    Joshua_Phillips: i'd like to work on this.

    <dbooth> ACTION: Eric and Joshua to report on C-CDA RDF
    representations work plan [recorded in

High-level concept mapping to RDF (AR typeCodes, etc.)

    Tony: this is kind of light-weight.
    ... "how do you represent the terminology?"
    ... from the top down, identify topics, e.g. transport

    <Kerstin_Forsberg> FDA/PhUSE Semantic technology project's
    first delivery was "just" to represenet existing CDISC
    foundational standards in RDF. Not representing the actual
    clinical trial data (e.g. blood pressure). Hwoever, they are
    moving beyond that and I know there was a presentation from
    FRDA at CDISC Interchannge conference last week on representing
    CDASH (raw data such as blood pressure) in RDF.

    Tony: it's a style guide. a set of patterns.

    bility/TerminologyExpressivity high-level terminology


    <Kerstin_Forsberg> There is also a FDA/PhUSE subproject to
    reperesent analysis results data, e.g. avg. blood pressure for
    propulation reported in a study report

    dbooth: if there's already a wiki, use it.

    <dbooth> David: I would caution that there can be so many
    different views on high level models, adoption/use would have
    to be voluntary. I would worry about being perceived as telling
    people how that they MUST do things. But best practices
    recommendations sound great.

    terminology coding example


    Tony: i'll list the topics. some may be black holes

    RobHausam_: i'm interested.

    <dbooth> Rob Hausam

    <dbooth> ACTION: Tony and Rob to report their plan on
    High-level concept mapping to RDF work [recorded in

Other work proposed work items

    RobHausam_: want to look at the interface between terminology
    and infor model

    <dbooth> Rob: Propose Term info work

    <dbooth> Eric: Charlie Mead and I created a wiki page on that

    <daniel> I'm in

    <dbooth> ACTION: Tony and all to decide on a wiki for Term Info
    work [recorded in

    <dbooth> ADJOURNED

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: David to create a wiki page for backlog [recorded
    in [42]]
    [NEW] ACTION: Eric and Joshua to report on C-CDA RDF
    representations work plan [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Eric to establish/make a wiki page for C-CDA RDF
    representations work [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Kerstin and Ingeborg to prepare a status and
    future state ideas for PhUSE-FDA work [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Tony and all to decide on a wiki for Term Info
    work [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Tony and Eric to work with each other and Claude
    to prepare comparison of FHIR ontology approaches [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Tony and Rob to report their plan on High-level
    concept mapping to RDF work [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Tony to find out more details about how iCat
    handles ICD-11 ont and report back [recorded in

    [DONE] ACTION: ericP to send pointers to existing wiki pages
    [recorded in


    [End of minutes]

     Minutes formatted by David Booth's [51]scribe.perl version
     1.140 ([52]CVS log)
     $Date: 2014-11-18 17:10:56 $


Scribe.perl diagnostic output

    [Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140  of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30
Check for newer version at [53]


Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/inference/transformation/
Succeeded: s/issue track/issue tracker/
Found ScribeNick: ericP
Inferring Scribes: ericP
Default Present: DBooth, EricP, +1.604.250.aaaa, +1.678.999.aabb, +1.202
.528.aadd, PaulKnapp, +1.703.983.aaee, Marc_Twagirumukiza, BrianPech, Jo
shua_Phillips, +1.801.368.aaff, BrynRhodes, +1.978.794.aagg, +1.608.310.
aahh, Tony, Vassil, +1.801.949.aaii, Kerstin_Forsberg
Present: Brian_Pech Bryn_Rhodes David_Booth EricPrud'hommeaux Ingeborg J
oshua_Phillips Kerstin_Forsberg Marc_Twagirumukiza Paul_Knapp Rob_Hausam
  Tony_Mallia Daniel_Karlsson Vassil
Got date from IRC log name: 18 Nov 2014
Guessing minutes URL: [54]
People with action items: all david eric ingeborg joshua kerstin rob ton


    [End of [55]scribe.perl diagnostic output]


On 11/17/2014 06:12 PM, David Booth wrote:
> Proposed agenda for tomorrow (Tuesday):
> Logistics:
> Tuesdays, 11:00am Eastern US (Boston) time zone
> Zakim (W3C teleconference bridge).
> Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
> VoIP address:
> Participant Access Code: 4257 ("HCLS")
> IRC: port 6665 channel #HCLS
> Thanks,
> David Booth

Received on Tuesday, 18 November 2014 19:52:22 UTC