Re: Issue arising from validating ChEMBL18 VoID

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 3:59 AM, Gray, Alasdair J G <>wrote:

>  Hi All,
>  In trying to validate the new ChEMBL 17 dataset description I came
> across the following issues.
>    1. The validator I stood up does not accept standard turtle. This is
>    going to require some effort to fix.
> which toolkit are you using to parse it in the first place? maybe you
could call a web service like

>    1. Should Summary Level Descriptions have a created date indicating
>    when the dataset was originally created?
> i believe that the consensus was that it would not, and that create date
would be associated with version level descriptions (e.g. version 1 = first
create date).

>    1. We do not have any statement of requirements for dct:theme and
>    dct:keyword for version and distribution level descriptions.
> chembl actually has a void file where they identify their vocabs. i
haven't checked whether they associate keywords.

>    1. We say that a summary level distribution may have a dcat:accessURL.
>    I'm not sure this is correct.
>  i think they should too.

>    1. Should distribution level descriptions also be typed as
>    dcat:Distributions?
> yes. It would also be good to think about tagging our version level
description as :VersionedDatasetDescription - can we find a vocabulary home
for this?

>    1. We've not got any details of the sparql endpoint in the table of
>    properties.
> right.  the problem is that the representation is complex (not just a
predicate-object pair) and really doesn't fit well in that table - unless
we enable the specification of void:sparqlendpoint, which we ruled out
because its time-dependent nature (that version of the data may not be in
the sparql endpoint in the future).

>  I have attached the an updated version of the ChEMBL description. My
> question is, how should the distribution level description be validated
> since it is split into several subsets?
> i think that <> is a
subset of the versioned dataset
<>, and this then points to the
various file-based distributions.


>  Cheers,
>  Alasdair
>  Alasdair J G Gray
>  Lecturer in Computer Science, Heriot-Watt University, UK.
> Email:
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> Twitter: @gray_alasdair
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Received on Thursday, 6 March 2014 21:11:34 UTC