- From: <Michael.Lawley@csiro.au>
- Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:05:14 +0000
- To: <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <C3F0DE55-D31B-4121-B506-BEFA87DF6BB5@csiro.au>
******************************************************************************************** Due to several requests, we decided to extend the submission deadline to July 21, 2014. This is a hard deadline and no further extension will be given. In addition, authors will have a change to provide feedback on reviewers' comments to point out any technical errors between August 24-26, 2014. ******************************************************************************************** PRICAI is a biennial international event which concentrates on AI theories, technologies and their applications in the areas of social and economic importance for countries in the Pacific Rim. In the past, the conferences have been held in Nagoya (1990), Seoul (1992), Beijing (1994), Cairns (1996), Singapore (1998), Melbourne (2000), Tokyo (2002), Auckland (2004), Guilin (2006), Hanoi (2008), Deagu (2010), and Kuching (2012). The 13th PRICAI (2014) will be held in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. It will be co-located with the 17th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA-2014). This special track on Intelligent Health Services (IHS) at PRICAI 2014 aims to bring together scholars and practitioners who are using Artificial Intelligence to solve health and medical problems to present and discuss their research, share their knowledge and experiences, define key research challenges and explore collaborations to advance e-health development nationally and internationally. Michael PRICAI 2014 http://www.pricai2014.org/ Special track on: INTELLIGENT HEALTH SERVICES Faced by increasing demand for services, reduced funding and staffing, and pressures imposed by various levels of government, health services around the world are under increasing pressure to become more efficient in how they offer their services. There is a growing need for novel technologies that understand the complexities of the health system – from operations to general practice and community care - and offer much needed productivity gains in resource usage and service delivery. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used in many ways to better understand this complex system and provide solutions. Research is vital to be able to show how AI can be used and extended to meet the needs of the health system. All areas of artificial intelligence are currently being extended to take on some of these challenges. Some examples include Google’s efforts to use deep learning to build the Google Brain and teach machines to think and learn like humans, and the use of semantic technologies to take on the challenge of enhancing big data analytics. Translating research from labs to everyday use in hospitals and medical practice remains one of the greatest challenges for AI in the health research community. This special session on Intelligent Health Services (IHS) aims to bring together scholars and practitioners who are using Artificial Intelligence to solve health and medical problems to present and discuss their research, share their knowledge and experiences, define key research challenges and explore collaborations to advance e-health development nationally and internationally. The topics of IHS include but are not limited to: * Knowledge representation and reasoning * Clinical decision support systems * Collaborative care and communication * Tele-health and tele-monitoring * Medical data mining * Modelling and simulation * Forecasting, planning, and scheduling * Patient care, monitoring and diagnosis * Natural language processing * Intelligent health records * Workflow and capacity optimization * Implementation and case studies * Agents and Multi-agent systems TRACK CHAIRS Dr Michael Lawley Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia Dr Anthony Nguyen Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia SUBMISSION GUIDELINES All submission and publication guidelines announced for the PRICAI 2014 conference will be applicable for this special track. Paper Submission: Papers submitted to the special session and the main conference will use the same submission system. Please choose “Intelligent Health Services” special track / session as the applicable track. Publication: All papers submitted will be peer-reviewed using the same criteria of PRICAI-14. The accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings of PRICAI-14, which will be published by Springer as a volume of LNAI series. Important Dates: Submission deadline: July 21, 2014 (EXTENDED) Acceptance notification: September 7, 2014 Camera-ready submission: September 19, 2014 Conference dates: December 1-5, 2014 Contact: Dr Michael Lawley (Michael.Lawley@csiro.au<mailto:Michael.Lawley@csiro.au>) Dr Anthony Nguyen (Anthony.Nguyen@csiro.au<mailto:Anthony.Nguyen@csiro.au>) Michael J Lawley, PhD Principal Research Scientist The Australian e-Health Research Centre CSIRO Phone: +61 7 3253 3609 | Fax: +61 7 3253 3690 | Mobile: 0427 456 260 Michael.Lawley@csiro.au | www.csiro.au<http://www.csiro.au> | www.aehrc.com/hie<http://www.aehrc.com/hie> Address: Level 5 - UQ Health Sciences Building 901/16, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Herston, QLD 4029 Australia PLEASE NOTE The information contained in this email may be confidential or privileged. Any unauthorised use or disclosure is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please delete it immediately and notify the sender by return email. Thank you. To the extent permitted by law, CSIRO does not represent, warrant and/or guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been maintained or that the communication is free of errors, virus, interception or interference.
Received on Monday, 30 June 2014 00:05:57 UTC