Invitation to submit to the second annual JBMS Ontology Issue

* Call for papers: Second Annual JBMS Ontology Issue *

Dear all,

The Journal of Biomedical Semantics (JBMS) invites submissions to its
Second Annual Ontology Issue.  

The purpose of the 2nd JBMS Ontology Issue is to provide a single
location at which potential users of ontologies can find
ontology-related software tools, webservers and webservices that are
available for their research, and which are free or free for academic 
use. Two types of submission will be considered: Software Descriptions
and Software Updates.

- Software Descriptions can be used to describe a software or tool that
  has not previously been published in a significant journal.

- Software Updates describes the recent development and changes to an
  ontology-related software.

All ontology-related software, webservers or web-services published in
the JBMS Ontology Issue must be freely available (or free for academic
use) at the time of submission, and they must be applicable in
biological or biomedical research.

Before submission, authors must send a short summary of their intended
submission to the organizers at, outlining the
content and the scope of their manuscript and its intended use in
biological or biomedical research.

Important dates: 

A short (at most 1 page) intention to submit should be sent by 21 June,
briefly outlining the functionality of the ontology-related software and
its applications in biological and biomedical research.

Full papers should be submitted by 31 August 2014.

The 2014 JBMS Ontology Issue will be published end of 2014.

The full submission instructions are attached. If you have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann
or Robert Hoehndorf at

With best regards,
Robert Hoehndorf

Received on Thursday, 5 June 2014 16:29:07 UTC