- From: Hollink, L. <l.hollink@vu.nl>
- Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2014 14:53:51 +0000
- To: "public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org" <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
USEWOD 2014: Building a Web Observatory for research on LOD usage ================================================================= --------------- with apologies for cross-postings --------------- 4th Workshop on Usage Analysis and the Web of Data at ESWC2014, Anissaras, Crete, Greece, May 25th, 2014. http://people.cs.kuleuven.be/~bettina.berendt/USEWOD2014/ The USEWOD workshop series has created and maintained a forum for researchers to investigate the synergy between the Web of Data and Web usage mining. This involves the analysis of semantic data usage but also the exploitation of Semantic Web technologies to advance usage mining approaches in general. Among other things, USEWOD hosts what has become the reference data set for research on query logs of Linked Data endpoints. This 4th edition of USEWOD will focus on this as a special theme: building a USEWOD Web Observatory to track the distribution of research based on the USEWOD data set. Web Observatories study a global network of heterogeneous data repositories, each observing and analysing the activity on the Web across a range of topics. Of course, the USEWOD data set will be extended again and a data challenge offered. We invite submissions on this theme (and other topics pertinent to USEWOD), and in addition to paper presentations, the workshop will host a live crowdsourcing activity to collect the provenance metadata that finally brings together the root data set and as many publications that refer to it as possible. A keynote presentation will complement the contributed presentations and the crowdsourcing activity. Data Challenge -------------- In addition to regular presentations and live crowdsourcing activity, USEWOD2014 includes a data challenge. As in previous years, we will release a dataset of usage data (server log files) from Linked Open Data sources. Participants are invited to present interesting analyses, applications, alignments, etc. for these datasets, and to submit their findings as a Data Challenge paper. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: --------------------------------------------------- ï Working with the USEWOD reference datasets 2011-2014: Insights, lessons learned, challenges, and improvements for the future ï Analysis and mining of usage logs of semantic resources and applications ï Inferring semantic information from usage logs ï Methods and tools for semantic analysis of usage logs ï Representing and enriching usage logs with semantic information ï Statistics of usage of the Linked Data Web ï Usage-based evaluation methods and frameworks; gold standards for evaluating web applications ï Specifics and semantics of logs for content consumption and content creation ï Using semantics for recommendation, personalization and adaptation ï Usage-based recommendation, personalization and adaptation of semantic web applications ï Exploiting usage logs for semantic search. ï Data sharing, privacy, and privacy-protecting policies and techniques Important dates --------------- March 7th, 2014 Submission deadline April 7th, 2014 Acceptance notification April 15th, 2014 Camera Ready May 25th, 2014 Workshop Format and submission --------------------- We invite (1) regular research papers, (2) USEWOD Data Challenge papers, and (3) USEWOD Provenance Proposals, describing innovative ideas about how the USEWOD data set (and other datasets) and the papers based on it can be interlinked on the Web in a sustainable fashion. All papers should not exceed 10 pages in LNCS style, and we will make clear that shorter papes are also welcome. All accepted papers will be presented in long (20 min talk + 10 min questions) or short (10 min talk + 5 min questions) time slots, depending on their quality and potential for discussion. The proceedings will be published via arXiv.org , and provenance metadata will be provided. The workshop will consist of * the contributed presentations of types (1), (2), and (3) * a keynote on the USEWOD 2014 Web Observatory theme * the live crowdsourcing activity For the latter, workshop participants get access to a Web-based tool that allows them to search for scientific publications, to capture provenance information conforming to the W3C standard, and to store this in a repository which is part of the Southampton Web Observatory. After the workshop, we will evaluate the different provenance graphs created by the participants and their answers to an additional questionnaire. Via this study, we seek to better understand the different emphases people set when capturing provenance information about scholarly work and the different ways in which they perform their research online. This will help us to inform Web Observatory research with how crowdsourced content can be fed back into productive Web Observatory infrastructures. Further information ------------------- on the workshop website: http://people.cs.kuleuven.be/~bettina.berendt/USEWOD2014/ The workshop organisers (please mail us at usedwod2014-chairs@googlegroups.com): Bettina Berendt, KU Leuven, Belgium Laura Hollink, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands Markus Lukzak-Roesch, University of Southampton, UK
Received on Wednesday, 8 January 2014 14:55:00 UTC