- From: Giorgos Stoilos <gstoil@image.ece.ntua.gr>
- Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 10:16:13 +0200
- To: "public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org >> semweb lifesci" <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
********************************************** CALL FOR APPLICATIONS The 10th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2014) Athens, Greece, September 8-13, 2014 http://reasoningweb.org/2014/ ********************************************** co-located with the: - 8th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2014), Athens, Greece, September 15-17, 2014 http://www.rr-conference.org/RR2014 The purpose of the Reasoning Web Summer School is to disseminate recent advances on reasoning techniques which are of particular interest to Semantic Web and Linked Data applications. It is primarily intended for postgraduate (PhD or MSc) students, postdocs, young researchers, and senior researchers wishing to learn about Reasoning on the Semantic Web and related issues. In 2014, the theme of the school is: "Reasoning on the Web in the Big Data Era" As in the previous years, lectures in the summer school will be given by a distinguished group of expert lecturers. Apart from their lectures, lecturers will also be present for the duration of the school to interact and establish contacts with the students. The summer school is co-located with RR2014, hence, there will be a great opportunity for students to also attend a major event in the area after the school. In addition, RR will also include a Doctoral Consortium and students of RW are particularly encouraged to also apply to the Doctoral consortium of RR - joint applications are explicitly encouraged. == IMPORTANT DATES == Application deadline: June 6, 2014 Notifications: June 15, 2014 Summer School Registration: June 28, 2014 == CONFIRMED LECTURES == * Philipp Cimiano, Christina Unger and André Freitas (Bielefeld University) Question answering over linked data * Tasos Kementsietsidis (IBM Research New York) Query Processing for RDF databases * Josep Lluís Larriba Pey and Norbert Martínez Bazán (Polytechnic University of Catalonia) Graph databases and their applications * Roman Kontchakov (Birkbeck College) An introduction to description logics * Marie-Laure Mugnier (University of Montpellier 2, France) Rules and Ontology-Based Data Access * Özgür L. Özçep and Ralf Möller (Hamburg University of Technology) Ontology based data access on temporal and streaming data * Spyros Kotoulas (IBM Research Ireland) Large-scale semantic and reasoning systems for cities * Martin Theobald (University of Antwerp) and Iris Miliaraki (Yahoo Labs, Barcelona) Probabilistic Databases and Reasoning == APPLICATIONS == The number of attendees will be limited and participation will depend on submitting an application which will undergo a reviewing process. Applications have to be submitted via Easychair using the following URL and by selecting the "RW2014" track: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rw2014 The program of the school will include a poster session, where students can present and discuss their ongoing research with lecturers and colleagues. Applicants who wish to participate in the poster session shall tick the "participation in poster session" group and include a poster title and abstract with their application submission. A selection of students attending RW will have the possibility to also attend the RR Doctoral Consortium with the opportunity to present their poster in a regular session of RR 2014. Students interested to be considered in this selection process should indicate it in their application. Applications must be submitted in PDF format not exceeding 2 pages (min. font size 11pt) and contain the following information: - Name, contact details - Affiliation - Motivation for participation - Summary of profile - Willing to present a poster? (if yes, add a poster title and abstract) - Willing to be considered for RR2014 Doctoral Consortium? - Supervisor (if applicable) - Publications (if applicable) == LECTURE NOTES == The course material used during the summer school will be published with Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. A copy of the proceedings will be included in the registration fees. == GRANTS == There will be a limited number of student grants available for the summer school (8-13 Sept 2014) and for the co-located RR2014 conference (15-17 Sept 2014). == ORGANIZATION == * Organizing Chairs Manolis Koubarakis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece) Giorgos Stamou (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) Giorgos Stoilos (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) * Scientific Advisory Board Ian Horrocks (University of Oxford, UK) Phokion Kolaitis (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA) Georg Lausen (University of Freiburg, Germany) Gerhard Weikum (Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany) == CONTACT == For further information including sponsorship opportunities, please contact the organizing chairs.
Received on Monday, 17 February 2014 08:16:36 UTC