- From: <frank.loebe@informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
- Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 00:06:25 +0200
- To: public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org
(apologies for cross-posting) ... (please distribute) ------------------------------------------------------- Call for Update Talks and Participation >> ODLS 2014 << [1] https://wiki.imise.uni-leipzig.de/Gruppen/OBML/Workshops/2014-ODLS ------------------- Workshop on Ontologies and Data in Life Sciences (ODLS 2014) Oct 7-8, 2014 Freiburg i.Br., Germany Location & Registration ----------------------- This year's ODLS will take place at Medical Center - University of Freiburg [2], Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, at the Main Campus in the historic city of Freiburg. It is hosted by the Center for Medical Biometry and Medical Informatics [3]. Registration is handled by the local organizers, mainly requiring an email and the payment of the contribution towards expenses, please cf. the workshop website [1]. Contributions towards expenses: * 30 EUR regular * 25 EUR for members of IAOA [4] or GI [5] * 20 EUR for students Important Dates --------------- * registration period starts September 08, 2014 (Mon) * update talk proposals September 10, 2014 (Wed) * author registration September 20, 2014 (Sat) * regular registration September 30, 2014 (Tue) * late and on-site registration October 08, 2014 (Wed) * workshop October 07-08, 2014 (Tue-Wed) * workshop timeframe (CEST): Oct 07, 13:00 - Oct 08, afternoon We are grateful for early registrations from Sep 08 on, well before Sep 20 or 30! Notably, update talk proposals can be submitted to [6] from now on. Keynote Lecture --------------- Jesualdo Tomás Fernández-Breis, University of Murcia, Spain < Title TBA > Update Talks and OBML Group Meeting ----------------------------------- In addition to the technical program (see Accepted Papers below), an Update Session on selected ontologies, systems, and projects is being prepared. We invite suggestions for update talks to be included in this session. Please send your proposal(s) to the workshop organizers using [6] odls2014@easychair.org by September 10, 2014 (Wed) at the latest. The workshop will further host an organizational meeting of the workgroup "Ontologies in Biomedicine and Life Sciences" (OBML) [7], part of the SIG "Informatics and Life Sciences" of the German Informatics Society (GI) [5]. Accepted Papers --------------- (in alphabetic order of first author's last names) A Proposal for an Ontology for the Tumor-Node-Metastasis Classification of Malignant Tumors: a Study on Breast Tumors Martin Boeker, Rita Faria and Stefan Schulz OWL Patterns for Modeling the Change over Time exemplified by the Cell Tracking Ontology Patryk Burek and Heinrich Herre PEGASO: towards a teenager tailored ontology - Supporting inference about the obesity-related health status - Giorgia Contini, Marco Sacco, Aleksandra Sojic and Walter Terkaj Ontology for Molecular Structure Henson Graves Butterflies and Embryos: The Ontology of Temporally Qualified Continuants Ludger Jansen and Niels Grewe Entities with Genetic Information - An Initial Perspective from the Core Theme of Continuity and Change in Biology Frank Loebe and Vinay K. Chaudhri Ontology usage in Omics Standards Initiatives: Pros and Cons of enriching XML data formats with controlled vocabulary terms Daniel Schober, Michael Wilson, Daniel Jacob, Annick Moing, Gerhard Mayer, Reza M Salek and Steffen Neumann OntoStudyEdit: A new Approach for Ontology-Based Representation and Management of Metadata in Clinical and Epidemiological Research Alexandr Uciteli and Heinrich Herre Biomedical Ethics Ontology, computers and moral reasoning Paulina Wasilewska Goals of the Workshop --------------------- Medicine, biology and life sciences produce hardly manageable and comprehensible amounts of data, information, and knowledge. Their computer-based processing, integration, as well as their conceptual foundation and application presents ever new challenges to existing methods of knowledge representation, data bases, and data analysis. In the life sciences, enormous data sets are being produced in connection with biological and medical experiments, aiming to unravel biological interconnections for a better understanding in order to offer patients the best possible therapies. Data management and data processing in the life sciences ranges from the best possible integration and usage of distributed, heterogeneous data to the best possible obfuscation of medical data. This integrated workshop covers the overall spectrum of biomedical information processing, from experimental data acquisition and data management, across analysis, structuring and interpretation of data, up to the development of structures of knowledge in the form of ontologies with their various applications. The workshop pursues the aim to gather scientists that work in these fields in order to exchange ideas, to discuss new results and to inspire collaborations. The work- shop has an interdisciplinary character. It fosters the collaboration between ontologists, computer scientists, bio-informaticians, medical information scientists, applied logicians, as well as the cooperation with physicians, bio-chemists, and biometricians. Organization ------------ Martin Boeker, University of Freiburg (general & local chair) Ludger Jansen, University of Muenster (PC chair) Heinrich Herre, University of Leipzig (speaker of OBML) Frank Loebe, University of Leipzig ODLS 2014 is associated with the group Ontologies in Medicine and Life Sciences (OBML) [7] within the German Informatics Society (GI), and it is a Supported Event of the International Association for Ontology and Its Applications (IAOA) [4]. Links ----- [1] Workshop website http://tinyurl.com/odls-2014 https://wiki.imise.uni-leipzig.de/Gruppen/OBML/Workshops/2014-ODLS [2] Hosting university, general website http://www.uniklinik-freiburg.de/en/uniklinikum.html [3] Hosting local organization website http://portal.uni-freiburg.de/imbi [4] IAOA website http://iaoa.org/ [5] German Informatics Society (GI), website https://en.gi.de/startpage.html [6] ODLS 2014 email address (for contacting all organizers) odls2014@easychair.org [7] OBML workgroup website https://wiki.imise.uni-leipzig.de/Gruppen/OBML
Received on Friday, 22 August 2014 22:07:00 UTC