Re: Resource Shape 2.0 - W3C Member Submission

* Matthias Samwald <> [2014-04-14 19:38+0200]
> How does this relate to / overlap with Shape Expressions?

OSLC Resource Shapes and Dublin Core Description Set Profiles
<> both associate a shape
identifier with a set of constraints. These contraints principally
assert for some predicate what shape or XSD datatype the object must
have. While not explicitly stated, this implies a conjunction of
property constraints where each occurance of the property in the data
must conform to each of the constraints associated with that property.
Resource Shapes has some interface hints like hidden and readOnly. DSP
has more controles over literals, like Language and
  (also described in <>)

Shape Expressions provides algebraic connectives for these rules,
adding disjunctions and optional groups. For example, if a User must
supply either a foaf:name or one or more given names and a family
name, we'd write:

<User> {
    (foaf:name xsd:string                %GenX{ full-name %}
     | foaf:givenName xsd:string+        %GenX{ given-name %},
       foaf:familyName xsd:string        %GenX{ family-name %}
    ... more constraints ...

The Shape Expressions submission has been delayed but I expect it this
week or early next week. This should give us a good basis for a
charter on RDF validation. If you have use cases or requirements you'd
like to submit, I'd love to see them.

>  - Matthias
> Am 14.04.2014 18:21, schrieb Michel Dumontier:
> >Folks,
> >  The W3C has received a member submission from IBM to specify the
> >shape of RDF resources [1]. The shape of an RDF resource is a
> >description of the set of triples it is expected to contain and
> >the integrity constraints those triples are required to satisfy.
> >Shapes can be used to validate RDF data, document RDF APIs, and
> >provide metadata to tools, such as form and query builders, that
> >handle RDF data.
> >
> >[1]
> >
> >m.
> >
> >Michel Dumontier
> >Associate Professor of Medicine (Biomedical Informatics), Stanford
> >University
> >Chair, W3C Semantic Web for Health Care and the Life Sciences
> >Interest Group
> > <>


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