Re: Call notes/use cases

Hi Michel,

Thanks for re-sending the minutes.

(Hoping that he can now send emails to the list again.)
Alasdair J G Gray
Lecturer in Computer Science, Heriot-Watt University, UK.
Telephone: +44 131 451 3429
Twitter: @gray_alasdair
Arrange a Meeting:

From: Michel Dumontier <<>>
Date: Monday, 7 October 2013 09:45
To: Joachim Baran <<>>
Cc: "<>" <<>>
Subject: Re: Call notes/use cases
Resent-From: "<>" <<>>
Resent-Date: Monday, 7 October 2013 09:46

Hi Joachim,
 Alasdair's attempts to share the minutes on the list may have been frustrated by his change of institution. Please find attached the minutes.


On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 11:00 PM, Joachim Baran <<>> wrote:

  I cannot find the call notes from the last LLD conference call. Did we take any?

  Can someone please remind me which use cases we wanted to come up with?


Michel Dumontier
Associate Professor of Medicine (Biomedical Informatics), Stanford University
Chair, W3C Semantic Web for Health Care and the Life Sciences Interest Group

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Received on Monday, 7 October 2013 09:07:42 UTC