seeking consulting or full-time position in realizing the future of medicine

Dear All,

I was inspired my Lena's posting of the position at Foundation Medicine and thought that you might like to know that I'm on the market for a new position. I was so excited to be at RPI where they understand semantic technologies, indeed we create them, and didn't fully appreciate the limitations and risks associated with a soft money position. So, I'm looking.  I'm exploring a number of opportunities. I put them out here incase you personally have something that matches this, or can make a referral.

Things I'm considering:
*a tenure position at an institution with a medical school or affiliated hospital
*an industry position that's focused on realizing the future of medicine

For the latter, I'm open to full or part-time consulting as well as contracting, i.e. I will organize and manage a team to meet your need and deliver a product/system.  This can be done in a number of ways, preferably integrated within your business / team.

You can visit my website at RPI  by clicking the link next to my name at:

I'm happy to send details and references.    And in case you're wondering, yes, I have extensive experience in industry, from startups to big pharma.


On Sep 20, 2013, at 1:39 PM, Helena Deus <<>> wrote:

Dear All,

Foundation Medicine (<>), a biotech company in the cancer diagnostics space, is looking to hire a software developer with RDF/SPARQL skills to work in Knowledge Engineering/Knowledge Informatics. For more information, please see

To apply, please send a CV and the name/contact of two references to<> AND<>

Best Regards,

Helena F. Deus, PhD
Senior Scientist, Medical Knowledge Engineer
Foundation Medicine, Inc

Received on Saturday, 5 October 2013 15:43:58 UTC