Research and Polemics at Sepublica

We are pleased to invite you all to the Sepublica Workshop. We are
having a full day workshop on the 26th. Peter Murray Rust is one of
our keynote speakers; we are having news from the American
Psychological Association as well as from the Cochrane Organization,
how are they facing the transition? what is their understanding of
semantic web technology? how are they using SW technology? what is
their path to innovation? you will have the opportunity to discuss
with them at Sepublica.

For your connivance here is the list of accepted papers and polemics.
All polemics are available online at; comments are

Sepublica , SUNDAY, MAY 26TH, 2013

9:35-10:00 Keynote, Peter Murray-Rust
10:00-10:05 Q&A

10:05-10:25 Chris Mavergames, Silver Oliver and Lorne Becker
“Systematic Reviews as an interface to the web of (trial) data: Using
PICO as an ontology for knowledge synthesis in evidence-based
healthcare research”
10:25-10:30 Q&A

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-11:20 Phillip Lord and Lindsay Marshall, “Twenty-Five Shades of
Greycite: Semantics for referencing and preservation”
11:20-11:25 Q&A

11:25-11:45 Leyla Jael García Castro, Rafael Berlanga, Dietrich
Rebholz-Schuhmann and Alexander Garcia,  “Connections across
scientific publications based on semantic annotations”
11:45-11:50 Q&A

11:50-12:10 Sara Magliacane and Paul Groth, “Repurposing Benchmark
Corpora for Reconstructing Provenance”
12:10-12:15 Q&A

12:15-12:35 Angelo Di Iorio, Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese and Silvio
Peroni, “Towards the automatic identification of the nature of
12:35-12:40 Q&A

12:40-14 Lunch

14:00-14:30 Keynote
14:30-14-40 Q&A

14:40-15:00 Best Paper, José Manuel Gómez-Pérez, Esteban García, Jun
Zhao, Aleix Garrido and José Enrique Ruiz, “How Reliable is Your
workflow: Monitoring Decay in Scholarly Publications”
15:00-15:05 Q&A

15:30-16 Coffee break

16:00-16-30 Polemics and outrageous ideas
16:30-17:30 Round table discussion

 17:30 End

Polemics, please comment

Flash Mob Science, Open Innovation and Semantic Publishing
by Hal Warren, Bryan Dennis, and Eva Winer (American Psychological Association)

Science, Semantic Web and Execuses
by Idafen Santana Pérez, Daniel Garijo, Oscar Corcho

Future of scholarly publishing/semantic publishing
Chris Mavergames,

Linked Research
Sarven Capadisli

Alexander Garcia

Received on Sunday, 19 May 2013 20:59:54 UTC