Re: owl:sameAs - Is it used in a right way?

On 03/27/2013 02:04 PM, Pat Hayes wrote:
> On Mar 27, 2013, at 8:37 AM, David Booth wrote:
>> The RDF Semantics spec only tells you how to compute the truth
>> value of one <interpretation, graph> pair at a time, but you can
>> certainly apply it to as many <interpretation, graph> pairs as you
>> want -- in full conformance with the intent of the spec.
> Not with the *intent*, even if I have to concede that it does conform
> to the letter. The intention of the spec is to describe a
> model-theoretic semantics for RDF and RDF extensions.

That's like saying that the intent of WordPress was to be **written in 
PHP** and create blogs.  Was it *really* important that WordPress was 
written in PHP instead of some other language?   Possibly, but probably 
not.  It may have felt important to the author though.

Similarly, I can see that writing the RDF Semantics spec in a 
model-theoretic style could seem important to those with a particular 
affinity toward model theory.  But I think most would agree that the 
overall goal of the spec as a W3C standard could have been achieved 
using any sufficiently precise notational style.  And even if a 
model-theoretic style was uniquely suited to this spec, that still does 
not mean that the use of this spec is in any way constrained by the 
style in which it was written.

> What you are
> doing, David, is not model theory semantics and does not describe any
> useful notion of interpretation.

Correct.  I'm not *doing* model theory semantics, I am merely *applying* 
the RDF Semantics spec, which happens to have employed a model-theoretic 

David Booth

Received on Friday, 29 March 2013 02:38:00 UTC