Re: Encoding the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale….

Hi Joanne,

I found 4 references to the hamilton rating scale for depression in
 - Read Codes
 - NCI Thesaurus

but none provides the questions nor the score for the answers.

  in SIO, a rating scale would go in as a specification ( Here's a start to
discuss the encoding of the scale items. For any particular rating scale
(e.g. 21 question hamilton scale), one could then generate the list of
criteria items with their score

 rdfs:label "21 question hamilton rating scale for depression";
 a sio:specification ; # instantiate the type
 sio:has-proper-part :hds-criteria-1, hdsd-criteria-2,... ; # these are the
spec criteria

# link to the expected score (dl syntax)
 subClassOf sio:specifies some :hds-score ;

  rdfs:label "hds1: assessment of depressed mood"@en;
  dc:title "depressed mood";
  a sio:criterion;
  # optionally capture the ordinal position of the item in the list
  sio:has-attribute [ a sio:ordinal-position; sio:has-value "1"^^xsd:int ];
  sio:has-attribute :hds-criteria-1-score ;
 a sio:quantity;
 subClassOf sio:is-derived-from some (:hds-criteria-1-score-1 or
:hds-criteria-1-score-2 or :hds-criteria-1-score-3 or

 rdfs:label "absent";
 dc:title "absent";
 a sio:association; # we could add something more specific here
 sio:has-value "0"^^xsd:int ;
 sio:is-attribute-of :hds-criteria-1 ;

  subClassOf sio:quantity;
# sio:calculation is not yet in sio
  subClassOf sio:is-output-of some (sio:calculation-addition and
sio:has-input some (hds-criteria-1-score, :hds-criteria-2-score, ...;))

then you would need a process by which the scale is used, and link instance
of :hds-score .


On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Luciano, Joanne S. <> wrote:

>  Looking for some thoughts on this…
>  We're creating an ontology for the hamilton depression rating scale
> (this is the clinical instrument used in all clinical trials of
> antidepressants).
>  Would it be good to build this under SIO?
>  if so, where i think it fits, is under process (the depression treatment
> is a process)
> process-> interaction->observation->
>  adding sub classes there
> instrument
>     clinical instrument
>              Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
>                      HDRS 28 Question Version
>                            Q1-Depressed mood
>                            [etc]
>  does this make sense to you?
> do you have a better idea?
>  Thanks,
> Joanne
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Joanne S. Luciano, PhD                                     Tetherless
> World Constellation
> Research Associate Professor Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
> Deputy Director, Web Science Research Center 110 8th Street, Winslow 2143
> Email: Troy, NY 12180, USA
> Office Tel. +1.518.276.4939                               Global Tel.
> +1.617.440.4364 (skypeIn)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Michel Dumontier
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics, Carleton University
Chair, W3C Semantic Web for Health Care and the Life Sciences Interest Group

Received on Friday, 12 July 2013 15:58:14 UTC