Reminder: [CFP] International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems: Special Issue on Web Data Quality

*CFP: International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems:
Special Issue on Web Data Quality*

All details here:

The standardization and adoption of Semantic Web technologies has resulted
in an unprecedented volume of data being published as Linked Open Data
(LOD). The integration across this Web of Data, however, is hampered by the
‘publish first, refine later’ philosophy. This leads to various quality
problems arising in the underlying data such as incompleteness,
inconsistency and incomprehensibility. These problems affect every
application domain, be it scientific (e.g., life science, environment),
governmental or industrial applications.

This Special Issue is addressed to those members of the community
interested in providing novel methodologies or frameworks in assessing,
monitoring, maintaining and improving the quality of the Web of Data and
also introduce tools and user interfaces which can effectively assist in
the assessment. The benefits of such methodologies will not only help in
detecting inherent data quality problems currently plaguing the Web of
Data, but also provide the means to fix these problems and maintain the
quality in the long run. Additionally, we also seek articles that help
identify the current impediments in building real-world LOD applications.


The aim of this special issue is to select and publish a set of
high-quality research papers on the aspects including but not limited to:

   - Web data and LOD quality concepts
      - Data quality dimensions and metrics for Web data and LOD quality
   - Web data and LOD quality methodologies
      - Data quality assessment frameworks
      - Evaluation of quality and trustworthiness in the web of data
      - (Semi-)automatic assessment in the web of data
      - Large-scale quality assessment of structured datasets
      - Validation of currently existing data quality assessment
      - Use-case driven quality assessment
      - Quality assessment leveraging background knowledge
      - Co-reference detection and dataset reconciliation
      - Data quality methodologies for linked open data
      - Evaluating quality of ontologies
   - Web data and LOD quality tools
      - Design and implementation of data quality monitoring, assessment
      and improvement tools
      - Quality exploration and analysis interfaces
      - Scalability and performance of tools
      - Monitoring tools
   - Case studies on Web data and LOD quality assessment and improvement
   - Web data and LOD quality benchmarks
   - Issues in LOD
      - Methods to acquire most relevant LOD datasets
      - Generating meaningful associations across LOD datasets

*Key Dates*

Abstract Submission Deadline: 20th September, 2013
Submission Deadline: 27th September, 2013
Notifications: 9th December, 2013
Revised Papers: April 2014
Final Versions: June 2014

*Guest Editors*

Laure Berti-Equille, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France
Andrea Maurino, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Amrapali Zaveri, University of Leipzig, Germany

We welcome full research papers (typically 8K words) as well as application
papers (5K - 8K words). Please include, in accordance with the journal's
guidelines, 5-10 keywords, to assist both with indexing and reviewer
selection. Please follow the journal's guidelines for submissions. Initial
submission should be made as a PDF document to the EasyChair


Ms. Amrapali Zaveri

Received on Thursday, 15 August 2013 08:36:27 UTC